Montana Matt

dirty diapers stuffed in McDonalds bags alongside half eaten cheeseburgers in the trunk

Three kings is not exactly a pro-war movie.

She kept going. We needed an ultrasound; the pregnancy could be ectopic, she said, growing outside my uterus. If this were the case, the abortion pill wouldn’t work, she said.

Yes. That too. An ectopic pregnancy runs the risk of irreversibly damaging the Fallopian tube, but let's not mention that inconvenient fact either.

Wouldn’t a “tubular pregnancy” be non-viable anyway?

This information always makes me so fucking infuriated. You know what’s medically dangerous? PREGNANCY. With an abortion, you get some anesthesia and zip bop bippity pop, it’s done. With my C-section, they gutted me open, put my uterus and intestine on my belly, and then sewed it all back into place. I couldn’t walk

The fact that this is legal is mind blowing. I’m a medical professional and if I lied like this to my patients, my license would probably (hopefully!) be revoked. How is their no state agency oversight?

That’s fine. I draw the “classic/modern” line between The Green Berets and Catch-22/M*A*S*H, myself.

Yes. Best modern American war film that isn’t Apocalypse Now.

That’s my thought. Cops need to be held accountable.

Nice. I wish dash cams had been more common when I got pulled over in 1993 simply for being “a black guy in a black car” (the officer’s words) in my own neighborhood.

This scares the shit out of me. I have seen so many cases where people are exonerated for crimes they did not do only after spending 30 years in jail that it seriously scares me. This is a mild example of that, but they guy still could have spent a year in jail over something he did not do and because the arresting

“We’re not in the business of wrongfully accusing anybody” except for the whole fact that you are since there was someone with video evidence that you repeatedly ignored until it hit public forums and got so big you could not ignore it anymore. This is disgraceful and people need to be fired.

Cops are always right because they have badges. Duh.

Just throwing this out there, but every generation thinks "THEIR" SNL is the greatest. I grew up in the 80's and believe it or not I wasn't all that impressed with SNL of the mid to late 90's through the early 2000's....THEN. Now I realize that time period was awesome.

There’s a possibility I might have a beige allergy. Could be why I refuse to drive a Camry. :)

Colin, this is an excellent story, but I think you were remiss in not excoriating the living fuck out of the people who are the reason why so many servers assume that everyone is lying about their allergies.

Seconded for Miles Morales. Peter Parker should take on an older Bruce Wayne, Batman Beyond style, position as mentor and supporting character. This way, fans of both can show up. Every once in awhile, Peter can don the suit for serious emergencies. Morales is a) an interesting character and b) not saddled with

The standard creepiness rule: don't date under half your age plus seven!