Montana Matt

I think he means intentionally, as in, they didn’t “rough him up” as police have been known to do over the years. He probably just means he thinks it was an accident.

Can you imagine how the prices of produce and meat would skyrocket if we banned GMO’s?

What the? About half of Western European countries have restricted specific GMO’s, not GMO’s in general. The other half has no restrictions whatsoever.

He was a funny character with cool powers, but still a shit Quicksilver.

GMO’s are the most tested agricultural product on the planet. Even medicine do not go through the type of testing that GMo’s do.

You call yourself a scientist, yet fall into the the trap that correlation does not equal causation. By the same token, the correlation between autism and organic food market share is >0.9 R^2, and we should be avoiding all organic produce for the sake of the children..

Fortunately, I do have a PhD in plant

No, instead we breed 300 generations of daffodil while exposing it to stresses like radiation or chemical mutagens until it expresses a phenotype that contains the same genes as those found in a jellyfish. Then we stabilize it, introduce it into nature, grow it with cow dung, mark it as organic and sell it to people

Not to mention that our basic understanding of biology has increased drastically since those times. Any scientific study done today is going to be tremendously more accurate then one done 30-50 years ago.

The ship has sailed on non-GMO corn. They’ve been genetically modifying it for-ev-er.

I can’t stand hypocrisy of liberals (which I usually call myself) who appeal to scientific consensus when it suits their preconceived political notions (climate change) but ignore scientific consensus when it doesn’t (GMO food, vaccines, flouridated water, homeopathy, etc).

Knew I could count in Gizmodo to call them on their BS. Thank you!

AKA marketing to stupid people, which is the vast majority of fast food patrons.

Do you believe that climate change is largely man made? Or that vaccinations have nothing to do with autism? Or that hydro-fracking is largely to blame for the 100-fold increase in Oklahoma’s earthquakes? Or that sugar-sweetened beverages and added sugar in processed foods are largely the culprit in America’s obesity

Thank you! The idea that “natural” = “better” is dangerous.

Great post, Sarah. While I’m sure you’ll get plenty of GMO-free tomatoes thrown at you for posting these truths, know that the independently-minded logical folk support you.

Cuz I need to know the veggies I’m eating with my metric fuckload of salt are non-GMO. For health reasons.

So Chipotle is no longer serving genetically modified organisms... Does that mean that all they are selling now is water? Cause that’s the only way that announcement makes any sense at all.

I think the $3 bucks was a decoy. Make a show of stuffing cash into the checkbook, so it looks like they actually paid the full price, in case anyone is keeping an eye on them.

AMEN. At first I was relieved to serve at Steakback Outhouse, which had no lunch service back then, but imagine my horror when they decided to open Sunday lunch several months after opening my location. Oh, the hatred.

When I waitressed, the Sunday after-church crowd was the worst.