Montana Matt

Do you think that the all-caps makes it more true? Within the last two weeks, this president has tried to undermine about half the Bill of Rights and several of the Articles.

These alt-right nutters think that “white genocide” is any activity that threatens white dominance.

Those don’t have the same weight in our society by any measure.

Whelp, if you are in Tripoli, go ahead and complain.

Are you 14? I think you might be 14. Let me walk you through fucking baby steps you god damn toddler.

You’ll notice that the theme of the show is racism in America. As in, the goal is clearly to show how casual racism from the majority demographic affects people of color, and convey that information to that majority (which is why the title is a salutation). So no, pointing out racism is not racism.

Aside from the fact that both your numbers and your dates are wrong, what does this have to do with American race relations?

Nobody is buying that fig leaf. If I own a store and I ban people from Brownsville and East New York, it’s pretty damn clear what I’m trying to do.

Love this.

Why does he insist on calling all women by their first name?

Financial incentives like oil and gas money?

These aren’t personal communications. He’s speaking to the public, and he’s the president. He doesn’t get to take that hat off whenever he feels like tweeting.

Respect is earned. Trump won by playing to our basest instincts.

I loved the Ellis run. He’s an auto-buy for me, and he excelled here.

You know that the post is still up above, right?

“Boeing would be a victim of people taking tweets way to seriously.”

The article? The one on which you are posting?

He’s about to be the president. Armies and markets move on his word.

Sounds like she had some drag from the left from people like you.

That’s not the definition of a constitutional republic. A republic is any system where people vote for representatives to make decisions on their behalf. Your vote for congressman is also part of the republican system. Choosing the president democratically would still make this a republic.