Montana Matt

Yes, acting like Americans is good for America.

Then you haven’t been paying attention.

How are you going to buy your gadgets when the EMP from Trump’s nuclear war fries all the electronics?

Have you been here for the last eight years? Because the narrative you’re describing is nonsense.

There are nearly no checks on the president’s ability to order a nuclear attack. And Trump has asked his advisers several times why the U.S. doesn’t use nuclear attacks more often.

You mean besides normalizing white supremacy and threatening the future of our Constitutional Republic?

Why the hell are we still talking about this?

Goodbye, you insufferable prick.

By “a very complicated premise that’s not well explained in the ad campaign” do you mean, “a not very complicated premise that is exactly what one would expect from the ad campaign?”

Do the NBPP, JDL, etc, have the stated goal of racial supremacy? Or are they (aggressively, in some cases) advocating for equality?

Those are two VASTLY different groups.

Bigotry against bigotry isn’t bigotry.

This Miss America is the best Miss America.

And Ditko had Spidey as an anti-protest reactionary. Characters change. This change was a little abrupt, but it’s working out so far.

Yeah, pneumonia is rough. But nobody here believes you’re anything but a tomato troll.

Yeah, this was a hell of a end to a fantastic mini. Honestly, I think that Hickman’s 4-year story was one of the finest achievements in Marvel history.

Is this book good?

She was weak because of pneumonia. Meanwhile, Trump asked his advisers why the U.S. doesn’t use nukes more often. If you are pushing the seizure line, then you were never going to vote for Clinton.

Then he should showcase movie stars. If he wants to give demagogues TV time, he has an obligation to step up.

Good riddance. But I do hope that something can be worked out for current students.