Montana Matt

Actually, science says the opposite.

Different states have different rules. Some states have moral or religious exceptions to that mandate.

Because the anti-vaxxers' kids shouldn't be killed for having stupid parents. And because vaccinations aren't 100% effective, which is why we need herd immunity.

I do want that tater tot recipe, though. After that they can be ignored.

Athletes have a special talent. That talent creates wealth for the NCAA, the university, and athletic department employees.. In a capitalist society, talent has the ability to negotiate with employers. In a just society, labor is rewarded for the wealth it creates. Neither is the case here.

If you went to a D3 school, than this is not true. They do not get free tuition or free room and board. D3 schools do not have athletic scholarships, and any athletic department interference with the academic scholarship process is a NCAA violation. Even if your particular school was violating this rule, it would

There is no such thing as "men's soccer" at the World Cup/national team level. There is just soccer, which any person, male or female, may play if they are able to compete. There are no females that are physically able to compete, so "women's soccer" was created. The whole point is that it excludes half of the

Except you say that Abby Wambauch excels at her sport. This is true only if you exclude the male half of the soccer world. Whether you want to call that "off-brand" or not is irrelevant.

I never said that they were. They are welcome to play in the World Cup if they are able to make the team.

The answer here is not to try to force equal recognition of records created in leagues that are restricted only to women (most "men's" leagues are actually open to all); the answer is to develop and promote sports where the physiological differences between elite athletes of different sexes do not result in an

How is this trollish? If there were an NBA league where only people below 5'5" were allowed to play, would a particularly dominate player be right in claiming that he or she was the leading scorer in the country?

But there is no men's tournament.

This is the saddest post I have ever seen on a Gawker Media vertical. Ever.

I think part of the point of Wolf of Wall Street was to put us on the side of Belfort, only to have us realize that we had been duped by the end of the movie. Scorsese was pushing penny stocks on us the entire time. Brilliant movie, best of last year.

I'm aware of what soot is, and how it can affect temperature (hint: it's not the same way as CO2). I'm talking about the "cleanliness" of coal plants. Having a particulate filter is not the same as reducing greenhouse gases.

Black soot and CO2 aren't really related.

We don't control their actions, we control our own. And per person, we outstrip China's emissions by about 4X.

"...the carbon dioxide that many climatologists believe may be contributing to climate change"?