
What? It’s like saying “fuck pokemon for it’s normalization of animal fights” or “fuck Need for Speed for it’s glorification of illegal racers”.

> Too little has been improved in its user interfaces, and certain mechanics, like the methods for evolving or obtaining certain Pokémon, have remained needlessly obtuse [...]. The plots and characters are often rote to the point that even children must feel condescended to. The recent games are disappointingly easy.

It appears that Cofer was out as a trans man to only a handful of people, and there is no indication at this time that his gender identity was a motivating factor in his death.

I am not minimizing the deplorable behavior of some truly disturbed people, but I feel in situations where someone tries to protect their identity and maintain anonymity while entering a relatively public field, or in this case of eSports purposefully public, the expectations of that outcome are unreasonable.

Why won’t Congress and the President investigate the rumor that I just started that Stephen Miller is eating some of these babies? That, since college, he has frequently enjoyed the taste of Latino baby flesh? #lockhimup #buthiscannibalism #theyhavefakenewsihavefakenews

Then maybe don’t whine and say it’s only worth $20