
> a proposed 105-mile-long city that will run along the coast of the Dead Sea.

Kinda burying the lede here: Saudi Arabia is moving The Line to Israel?!

Unfriending people is a rookie move, one step below simply closing your facebook account.

Your beer is expelling deadly toxic Carbon Dioxide gas into the air!

> I would like to be in control of how much I'm being poisoned.

WOW that's a scary list of potential side effects.

>Look up the MSDS on the ingredients and then try to tell me it's totally safe

This is actually a novice implementation of the 'nuke everything' script. You have to be sure to delete /bin *last* or else you're going to delete rm itself, before it can finish wiping out everything else.

Given that research shows that texting and driving is as bad or worse than DUI, it seems like the penalties should be exactly the same. Actually no, texting and driving really should be a stiffer penalty—at least with DUI, you have the excuse that your judgment was impaired. Texting sober, you're fully in control of

Thing is, there's no incentive for the US to offer anything of real value in exchange for Snowden. He embarrassed the US, and made off with a lot of top secret data, but that horse has left the barn. He poses no further threat to the US, except for ego boost of successfully capturing him, and even that would be a

I've thought about this, and concluded: Ain't no way in hell Russia is giving Snowden up, and Snowden certainly isn't going to come back just so he can be a martyr and serve a prison term for doing the right thing.

Ok, here's how I know it's not a network problem:

>"Airplay still has an advantage in that it can do whole house syncing for party mode. So Google Cast has a way to go even without being tied to the TV."

Meh. Superman vs Batman is *okay* I guess, but what I really want to see is Marvel 1602 turned into a film. That would be fucking brilliant.

Just curious—is anyone who buys this phone NOT going to immediately disable the 'always eavesdropping' mode?

This is a great example of how the constitution is literally just a piece of paper. We, the people, can try to say that it means something. However, if just two of the three branches of government collude (as we see today with the legislative and executive branch telling the judicial branch to get lost) and pervert

Does it fix the broken back button? I just threw up my hands and quit using Chrome because of the weird shit with the back button. Gizmodo is an example: open an article and click the "back" button. Notice that you've only refreshed the page and haven't actually gone back...

Resale value. You can sell that Macbook two years from now and get 75% of the retail price for it. If you can do that with a cheap PC laptop I'd be surprised.

Deja vu. They had a pretty good business going at this time 30 years ago and refused to make cheaper computers. The rest is history.

The physical connection (ideally fiber to the home) should absolutely be a public utility, and ISPs can compete on price and service for hosting your account.

The only reason a scammy system like this can exist is because there's no competition in this space. The cable companies get a government-granted monopoly and they extract rents. It's regulatory capture.