I don’t know that!
So . . . don’t do your sole research on ?
“a new vision”
It warms the cockles of my cold, miserable heart to know that there are so many Executive Decision fans out there.
He’s in Executive Decision! I watched him last night.
even better, this historic bastion in the big city has been around since...2013
This is fucking weird and these people are weird.
I remember an episode early in Outlaw Star’s original Toonami run when they apparently played the uncensored dub version by mistake (Or maybe it was intentional and they were just checking to see if anybody was paying attention.) A sudden jolt of “Goddamns” and “Bastards” in the late afternoon. Also pre-DVR, and…
I get what you mean and agree, but it’s probably because he did it with a gun and the threat of violence.
In Die Hard 2 though John McLane does use an icicle to kill a guy, but of course he stabs him through the eye which the post established as possible.
I’m 100%, but I don’t think the icicle in The Lovely Bones impales Stanley Tucci, it just knocks him off balance and he falls off a cliff or something.
Cussler, dammit...
I’ve never played that one, but in college I dusted off my old Atari only to discover two of my housemates had huge collections of cartridges that we then pooled and spent a whole summer playing Atari. Between us, we had both Kool-Aid Man and Chase the Chuck Wagon, but no Chex Quest.
I mean, he dedicated his whole life fighting guerrilla warfare against the empire and decides to just give up for no reason. A big dirt tidal wave is approaching and there’s a ship, with plenty of room, all rev’d up, just 50 feet from his hut and just stands there at the front door, “GO! I’m tired of running.”
Fun fact: Wilford Brimley was only 43 years old when they filmed the movie.
Anderson Cooper likes a slight pause between the contestants’ answers and saying “correct” and it has been bothering me for a week now.
Counter-counter point: I’ve seen that movie at least twice and still can’t remember a single character’s name, or even one memorable scene. Totally forgettable.
Nah, that guy had it right.
The prequels have good ideas with shit execution, whereas the sequels have terrible ideas that are highly competently produced. If one could somehow smush them together—say by retaining Lucas as a writer/producer but where his voice is only one of many with creative control—you’d end up with actually good films.