Yeah, punk rockers were doing the whole weird name thing in the 1970s. Oddly enough, Jello Biafra isn’t the singer’s birth name.
I laughed at this for a solid minute, and then I spent five minutes unsuccessfully explaining to my wife, who has never seen the show, why I was laughing. I can’t say for certain, but I’m pretty sure she fell out of love with me.
I think it’s time we blow this scene
Get everybody and the stuff together
Ok, three, two, one, let’s AHHHH MY KNEE
We’ll survive without your pity, thanks. 80s music was great, 80s movies (even the ones by people other than Spielberg) were great, and baseball players wore mullets the way god intended.
i lived through the 90's as a kid. i dont miss them at all. they’re horrendous.
Baby Boomers are irritating as fuck. We know this.
Not disagreeing with your central premise, aside from the fact that, as someone old enough to see it and remember in the Northeast, the Italian mob and the Irish mob were basically ubiquitous from New York to Providence to Boston. They were often in conflict but they also regularly used each other’s enforcers. As a…
I am tickled pink by this.
Yeah, Lucas seems to have been a genuinely important organized crime figure and also a consummate bullshit artist. With Sheeran “bullshit artist” is the more important description.
It sounds similar to “American Gangster” in that a lot of it is “true” only in the sense that a real person said it about himself towards the end of his life. Although Frank Lucas’ prominence in organized crime seems more based in fact that Sheeran’s.
I bellowed with laughter at Lydia and Schneider going through the citizenship process in ODaaT - along with Jessica in FOtB - because of the garbage going on in our country, right now.
What something’s about doesn’t matter nearly as much as it how it’s about it.
John Wick / Matrix crossover where it’s revealed that the Wickiverse is actually another incarnation of the Matrix, and the machines have started using human beings, the assassins, as the new Agents, tricking the prisoners into policing themselves. The one above the table is the Architect.
Don’t shame “snitching”. Exposing criminals is in the interest of society as a whole, and we want more people to come forward, not less. Yes, we’re talking about a garbage person, but the information he provides is valuable. And there is nothing valuable, or even moral, in remaining loyal to a criminal gang. So, don't…
Did you not know that this was a Veep crossover? (Yes, it’s absolutely Gary Cole. Heh.)
You got Hoff with a warning- *don’t be that “guy”*