
the vast, vast majority of chinese people have never seen the other side, since the free side of the internet requires VPN connections, which are illegal (and while not impossible to get, are not something the average user is going to risk seeking out.)

of those who have seen it, my interaction is that the response is

i’m sorry, i thought this was a hot vax summer

the music was ok, but those guys need to enunciate. i couldn’t understand a word they were saying.

its impossible to really tell, since they changed most of how romes power structure worked, but usually roman armies followed emperors either because they were commanders or because they were rich. commodus certainly had money to go around in the movie

my favorite is the boomer belief they protested vietnam.

i thought they were making a netflix series out of it already?

Make ‘glass elevator’ you cowards!

When the funniest sketch is so old and tired they dug it out of rodney dangerfields grave, it might be time to re-evaluate the writing strategy

Sure, except with a state backed fiat currency its backed by the state. Which means that ultimately if someone refuses to accept your nickle in exchange for that gum, burly men with guns will make them. Good luck getting the cops to make 7-11 accept 55 dogchips so you can buy a slurpy

typically they force the hand of something like a school that wants to sanction only christian prayer, or can bring something to federal court (since as a religion they have a fair amount of latitude to be granted standing) which then usually either gets the state in question to back down (to avoid losing and setting

yeah, but then you have to trade it for cocaine and then buy baggies and a nice scale and split it all up evenly, go on down to the corner and sell off all the cocaine, then anger the local colombian hookup who will send their ukranian allied enforcers to ‘explain’ how the business works. it all sounds so exhausting

Zoë Roth, the subject of the “Disaster Girl” image, recently sold the digital as an NFT for a whopping $500,000'

no, she sold it for roughly 500k in ‘etherium’ which is worth either 700 million bitcoins or one rusty nail depending on what the old shaman can scry from the shape of elon musk’s newest bowel movement

is it also a toaster? will it do my tax returns?

Shes always come across like the sort of comedic actor that works well when the role is playing themselves (see also: chris rock) but tends to never click when trying to play something else.

why would you think that disney, who filmed mulan partially in Xinjaing and employed Liu Yifei as the lead, wasn’t down with doing Tibet dirty? they did the Uighars and Hong Kong people dirty without batting an eye

and similarly, rosamund might not be interested in doing 15 seasons, so having an off ramp built in isn’t a terrible idea

gosh, its almost like the whole thing *was* a grift, considering it was full of grifters from top to bottom

last time i was in shanghai they had it at the marriot hotel bar

this is like the movie jack, but if robin williams was supposed to have been 10. did nobody really watch the daily’s and realize their lead looks like a 40 year doing an SNL skit?

look, there are only about 100 working actors in the greater toronto repatory theater at any given time and 90% of them are contracted to be on murdoch mysteries on any given week. they ran out of people to guest