
In unification part 1 (the 2 parter where picard goes to romulus to find spock) one of the plot points is not only do they have shipyards of derelict ships, but someone manages to make off with 2 of them without the staff of the shipyard even noticing

i assume they didn’t use it because it was long, weird and not funny?

They couldnt even top the bears!

To be fair, they were almost all some sort of propaganda 

To be fair to the local mexican cops, if someone came to me and told me to go arrest the heavily armed psychos hopped up on drugs and so heavily armed and organized that even the military doesnt want to fight them, I'd probably drag my feet on that request to. Especially when I'm paid and equipped like a mall security

i’m not anticipating, but i am deeply curious. it was obvious that the editing had messed with that movie. whether is was any good before the editing is always going to be a matter of opinion, but at least i’d like to see the intended version. it likely wont change my mind, but i admit to being curious

They didnt even have the honor of being fired from star wars for adding too many boobs and graphic murders

How does an adult read Harry Potter and not conclude that it's set in a stark moral universe? I'm not sure I can take seriously the literary commentary of someone who only concluded that Harry Potter isnt a nuanced, grey shaded work until she read about the counting hat

how exactly does someone who writes:
The Harry Potter books describe a stark moral universe’

then get so flabbergasted by:

this is a clever idea with a trailer that seems to suggest they’ve properly nailed the format.

The only worry is that sometimes these sorts of projects feel like they need to punch up the ‘funny’ at expense of the (often more interesting) ‘science/culture/history part. hopefully they’ll find that sweet spot that lets

a shitty boss drops a partially botched project on you and guilts you into working the weekend to fix it.

a crazy shitty boss throws heavy objects at you over a minor mistakes

klobuchar is in the second category

Oh, authorities (i.e. the elites) 100% panic and destroy efforts to come together (often because they buy into the idea that people will freak out in a disaster.) That’s why people taking food from an abandoned supermarket in Katrina are ‘looting thugs’ and not ‘hungry refugees’. And by trumps own admission that’s why

the show Copper covers that

Popa johns tastes like alligator taint. No amount if rubberized cheese product is going to erase that briny lizard musk

googling this movie after seeing this review to get more details about where it would be streaming, it appears they made a massive strategic error in naming it Hunter Hunter,. A. Monster ‘Hunter’ pops up when you add ‘movie’ too the search, but more importantly B. Hunter X Hunter is apparently a very popular anime

which is odd, since every instance of a major disaster recorded causes people to come together and help each other. 

An awkward teenage outcast comes of age against the backdrop of the hospice where her brother (and coincidentally, Terri Schiavo) are dying.’

how DARE you not see the brilliance in a Terri Shiavo movie in 2020!

and yet i would rather re-watch the entire DCEU then the first half of king kong or any of the execrable hobbit movies

well, i suppose the bright side for me is that it should be nice and cleaned up right around the time buying a next gen console without getting lucky or camping out on walmart’s website at 4am on a tuesday to jam ‘refresh’ over and over becomes plausible

no passport required does what taste the nation tries to do, but successfully. anytime i tried to watch taste the nation, it felt like it both only existed because bourdain had been a thing, but desperately wants to pretend he never existed (because why watch taste the nation ape bourdain when you can just go watch