
What if you think peeps are ok, but you just occasionally would want just one so you end up never eating them because they dont come individually wrapped?

Great, another Sorkin 'let's make it all about awesome the boomers were despite all evidence to the contrary' circle jerk. It's a little tough to appreciate these self absorbed hippies who sold out as soon as they could and left us with this mess we currently face, while continuing to pretend they are the victims

You want to piss off some people with bonsai, go to a chinese formal garden and comment that the plants looks like bonsai. The chinese people are less than happy that an art they invented has become internationally associated with the japanease

I had the same reaction- including assuming it would be cliff

I would not be shocked to find out that like cosmos, this was a beloved show from his youth. He seems to enjoy using his clout to get classics from his youth rebooted (and I cant blame him, if you have the power go for it) but I dont think he does much more than produce 

its almost like being pro-genocide might be bad


sure, sure

sure, the stasi might have done some bad stuff, but they showed disney around and they didn’t much like the jews, so its all cool at disney

Luckily for her antonio banderas was the only ethnic actor Hollywood was acknowledging at the time and that guy cant sing for shit. She comes off relatively well by comparison

Say what you will about snyder, but none of his ex wives is accusing him (credibly) of pretending to be a feminist as cover to bang his young female stars

If it makes you feel any better this person will likely overdose on a heroin within the year 

The secret truth is that A. There are a shit ton of castles sitting around europe and B. Castles are a fucking nightmare to inhabit if you want little things like ‘plumbing’ and ‘heat’. Or ‘not likely to fall down because it’s like 500 years old and was designed by a drunk knight who forced a bunch of illiterate

when i was in highschool casual racial slurs were the norm. if you objected, you were the weird kid. ‘jew’d’ was a verb that was not considered an issue

Every year when I return to where I grew up to go hunting (for over a decade now) had me pretty clear eyed about what a trump supporter is like before trump was president. Trump didnt invent these guys, theyve been waiting for him for decades

the trump/bligh story is incredibly weird- because it sort of suggests trump has read some history. and i find that deeply hard to believe. but, bligh was the guy who did the ‘right thing’ (following his companies orders) while christianson was the guy who just wanted to go sex up the ladies and live like a bum.


to be fair, i do wonder why you would hire a ‘name’ director to make a movie and then re-cut it. if you think its going to suck, drop it or shelve it. re-cut stuff never seems to play out well for the studios

I think that it is kind of interesting because unlike most of these books (which are spurned former officials looking for payback) Kushner said this to a journalist because he thought it would make people admire trump. And the madness of him thinking describing the president as a psycho cat with no goals or ability to

I like a lot about theblynch movie, but you can almost literally see the moment that the studio went ‘oh shit, this is going to go way over budget if we dont wrap this thing up tomorrow’

Nnobody ever ends up seeing 99% of the festival movies anyway as it stands now. They go on the circuits, end up showing in a shrinking series of boutique theatres in a handful of major cities and then end up years later on an obscure streaming platform. Let me stream them when they're relevant 

A great thing about Cruz is that he grew that beard right after the reports that his face is inherently off putting. So A. He read it, B. It clearly bothered the hell out of him, C. He also agrees with it and D. The beard actually makes it worse!