
The taliban offered bin laden in exchange for being accepted as the actual government of afghanistan by the US. Seems like a small price to pay to avoid the war.

The irony is that the electoral college was designed to be anti-democratic by allowing the elites to reject an unacceptable person (basically it was designed to make sure Donald Trump couldnt become president.) But we changed it to something even worse, which is why we now have several presidents who didnt win what is

The CFL has rules (i.e. the running start for recievers) that help.... but also, if we are being honest, the CFL wouldnt survive in the US as a second league vs. The NFL. 

At the end of every episode I would be sitting there going ‘how the hell is this on nbc?’ Like, amazing episode, but NBC just aired an episode where a man ate part of his own face on broadcast tv

Given the NFL can barely muster up enough QBs to fill out their rosters, any other league is doomed

That show was brilliant, but blaming bad marketing or lack of network support seems a tad off the mark (three seasons isnt giving up on a show because a european starred in it.)

You dont like ketchup on a saltine?

Forcing a person to watch the movie 1776 should be a war crime

I dont think any of the film people work weekends

In my brief stint with them in the early 2000s my only takeaway was that there were a lot of financially successful middle aged people who had fallen into the 80s ‘greed is Good’ hole and were desperately looking for someone to tell them how they could own a BMW and still not feel fulfilled. Also, it was obviously a

The cops are totally cool with putting on a full set of armor and ripping the masks off peaceful protesters to pepper spray them though

They have a clearly defined criteria. She should have hired 30% citizens if she wanted to be considered.

I have to admit I love watching the media tie themselves into pretzels trying to comment on statements like that because they're too cowardly to just admit that Donald trump is dumber than a bag of hammers because people might think they're 'partisan.'

If you live in a country for 25 years but decide not to seek citzenship because there is material convenience to your original nationality I fail to see why you would get up in arms when you cant compete for an award that is reserved for citizens (naturalized or otherwise.)

This is nearly as peak buffalo as that video of a dude eating his ladies ass at a Bill's tailgate party in freezing temps. 

Look, for 5 minutes he kind of sounded like a normal person, if they had taken half a bottle vicodin, which means cnn immediatly declared him as finally acting presidential

It's obviously intended for agoraphobes who live in brazil. I'm not sure how it could have been more clearly telegraphed to the audience 

remember 3 days ago when the media was practically orgasmic that trump had totally changed his rhetoric and was taking the virus seriously?

also, i’m going to add that tom cotton (the senator who they were defending) has come out declared that the chattel slavery of african and native americans was a necessary evil to make this country what it is today.

so yeah, i think that running op-eds from a dude who thinks slavery was just a minor issue needed to

A. The New York times is paywalled, so I wont link there