
Thats a good point. I was only thinking of comedies because of the subject of this film, but there are certain genres that can resonate with audiences down the line. Im sticking with comedy not being one of those genres though 

It has a few good scenes, but maybe find the song writing scene and the blind camel scene on youtube. You’ll get the gist and skip the long flat interludes. And then if you love those scenes a ton, you can decide if you want to tackle the whole thing

That lines up with my experience- there are some funny bits, but everything between them is extremely tedious.

you do realize this is to raise money for charity? they’re trying to do something to get food to needy people in a country where we don’t do a great job at the government level of supporting our citizens. even if its not perfect, its ok to just say ‘hey, maybe this is a best effort to help the ever increasing people

i think its free with NBC owned properties (i.e. watch all the law and orders all you want with occasional adds, but fast and furious requires you pay.)

My prom ended up sucking because as a student council member, I was responsible for planning it and it ended up being super stressful. In retrospect it seems like kind of a dick move that they made the 5 of his do all that as juniors in highschool- I’m not even sure we could legally sign some of those contracts

the problem with that interpretation is that either:

A. he’s such an arrogant jerk that the editors couldn’t find the footage to re-frame him as a love able jerk.

the nuns (as well as all the other victims) were located in nicaragua.

this was due to the atrocities from the right wing death squads (contras) who were trying to overthrow the democratically elected socialist government. american public opinion on these actions led congress to prohibit sending them military

Well, we were selling somewhere in the neighborhood of 2 billion dollars worth of weapons per year to the Iranians to fund our support of the contras. I assume a lot of that went into direct purchases of equipment, but that’s a decent bit leftover to cover salary.

Unfortunately the ‘training allied militaries’ is a euphemism for ‘training right wing death squads and future narco terrorists’

I seems plausible- without 2 factor authentication (which you'd likely not have set up on an account you rarely touch) it's relatively easy to hijack a famed person's account, since their 'challenge qustions' are usually easily googalable. Still very funny either way

Its not a bug- it’s a feature. You want your target acquisition software to be overly touchy- better to be able to shoot at fake things that arent a secret enemy aircraft then not be able to shoot at real secret enemy aircraft.

They must have been giving those books away because I remember entire racks of these in my middle/highschool library

I think its less this and more ‘nobody could understand why he didn’t want to just make an avengers-like.’ Which, i have no idea if a body horror take on this specific super hero team would have been any good, but at least it is a vision.

the more baffling part is that they got through these scripts, presumably read

I feel like I’d be worried if he wasnt a fat, out of shape narcassist. I’m hardly some sort of elite fighter or anything, but I feel like my background of ‘wrestling with my dogs’ and ‘running at a moderate clip semi frequently’ puts me in a position where I could easily dodge his attacks until he just keeled over on

Ah, I'm glad. With the internet it's hard sometimes- I hesitated to post this because I was afraid it would come across as too mean, which was not my intention (I was going for cheeky.)

If you haven’t, seek out the ‘making of’ stuff. The sheer joy that comes through from the actors (a lot of the extras are just normal people who owned pirate costumes and thought it sounded fun) is amazing

Ok lenny wosniak

That is true- and honestly, it’s not a bad movie. It’s not a *good* movie either, but for a hardcord porn where they removed the hardcore part it’s actually pretty watchable and surprisingly well written

You’re really going to cite a ‘lack of empathy’ when you went on a rant about how you want to go to an amusement park when people who dont make enough money to even consider that in the best of times are dieing to make sure that basic necessities still make it to stores?