
That is true- and honestly, it’s not a bad movie. It’s not a *good* movie either, but for a hardcord porn where they removed the hardcore part it’s actually pretty watchable and surprisingly well written

You’re really going to cite a ‘lack of empathy’ when you went on a rant about how you want to go to an amusement park when people who dont make enough money to even consider that in the best of times are dieing to make sure that basic necessities still make it to stores?

Tthousands of low income people are being infected and many are dieing so you can eat a pork chop and you’re whining about disney parks

Ha- I own pirates *and* pirates 2 (pirates 2 isnt as good) and I’ve also watched them with my wife and had a very similar experience (and still will break out choice quotes on occasion)

yeah, and that makes sense to me because thats in the mid 70's- the idea of watching pornography by yourself was still considered a wild concept then (and given technology, that wasn’t even a *thing* for like 99% of people.) Things like BDSM were incredibly taboo subjects that a lot of people had never even heard of.


I wonder if this sort of thing is necessary in this day and age? I feel like the ‘taboo’ of watching porn with a partner has largely faded and it sounds like a lot of the other appreciations of this sort of film hinge on the audience being somewhat uncomfortable. I guess some of the boomers might still get that

Unless it’s an apology for her long term quackery, she can take a long walk off a short pier

Yeah I hear that- I didnt appreciate DT until I was suddenly home all day and experiencing other options. I’m glad shes stuck (so far) with DT.

As little kid shows go, Danny T is about as good as it gets and the songs are a big part of it

To be fair on the brain lesion front, until the MRI (and realistically the fmri) it was extremely difficult to try and study how the physical parts of the brain related to cognition outside of the phinneus gage’s of the world (and even that anecdote has been a bit overstated.)

while i’m scouring my bank account to see how long i can pay my bills without work and with unemployment weeks behind, it hurts me deeply to see 2 people who are so rich that their grandkids will never have to work are having an argument over mediocre art

ok, name a progressive bill joe biden made happen

Ah, the 1994 crime bill. So progressive. Clarence Thomas has also been a breath of progressive air on the court. Good thing biden went out of his way to torpedo anita hill and doesnt think he needs to apologize about it. because women and minorities arent really people the same way you and is are, right?

‘Things are hard so never try and let republicans do whatever they want.' Is a fantastic campaign slogan for the boomer generation in general, so thanks for confirming that

I will, because joe biden has been very open and clear he opposes any measures to help mellenials. So for him to go out and say ‘you guys sure have been boned’ when his policy proposals are ‘but also fuck you, figure it out yourself, I'll be over here propping up the 401ks of current retirees’ is pretty worth a good

When asked what policy he was going to follow to help them he affirmed he would appoint a series of Goldman sachs alums to his cabinet and make sure that the big banks were given as much money as they wanted.

There's something about break action shotguns that make them uniquely delightful when it comes to action movies

More like a VPN routed to a vm on a proxy server in romania

441 million global take on a 61 million budget opens a few doors with a movie like les miss

Whats more socially distancing then decamping to a tiny island in the north Atlantic with barely any people?