
true- there are plenty of tales of people learning english watching tv shows. i think something like a contemporary sitcom would work better though, because the things they’d be referring to would be more familiar to me (plus you could probably watch a ton of them back to back.)

also, as i alluded to, i think a big

But if we take your interpretation (which I dont buy, frankly) why make a show where Picard’s beloved qualities are now basically turned around to make him seem like a total turd? Other than to tell fans of TNG that they should take a flying shit at the moon?

this movie is a lot of fun, but its not exactly surprising that it didn’t do great- there’s a reason those troma films went with shoestring budgets. generally speaking, the audience is relatively small. no matter how great the cast and director are, the punchy script, etc, there are still a *lot* of people who will

further, gochujang isn’t really a sauce either. its a sticky paste

well, you have to remember that economics is a total sham- its basically science backwards and it shows. in science, you make a hypothesis, create a way to test it and then report the facts. in economics you pick something that has already happened/is happening, draw a conclusion about it and you cherry pick the

what did we do to deserve this?

the trick is to only masturbate occasionally

yeah, my spouse is also home, but i’ve decamped to the basement.

it is a little odd sitting at a desk isolated in the relative middle of an unfinished basement doing work, but i feel like i’m making it work

i did go for a walk earlier, even though the weather is pretty gross. keeps the dogs from going nuts

yeah, they closed daycare yesterday for an open ended period so my toddler is home with us. luckily i work afternoons and my wife ends at 4, so with naptime its not a huge amount to cover (and generally people are being cool about having to step away to deal with a diaper or a give my wife 15 minutes to answer an

back on september 11th, 2001 i was coaching youth soccer and we decided to obviously cancel the league for the week and i had to call something like 30 sets of parents after school. so i basically gave myself a little ‘script’ that i ran through with each parent.... until i got to a guy who works nights and who i

its a little odd as someone who has worked from home for years seeing how people are losing it because they have to stay home. i guess we hermit people were just biding our time before we could take our rightful place as rulers

to be fair, old people are actively trying to kill me and my own children on a regular basis. that said, i’ve been working from home for 3+ years, so i was self quarantining before it was cool

as someone who has worked from home for the past 3 years and rarely leaves the house, i welcome all of you to the world of sweatpants and re-runs of CSI

i have a daffodil that is in full bloom. i live in MA- they aren’t supposed to be blooming until early april

not quite as concerning to physical safety, but a worrying sign of the times, the robins started coming back here in new england in mid february and my daffodils were already popping up by the 25th. that’s a solid month earlier than either of those things should be happening

we’re closing our offices for at least 2 weeks- we have catered lunch for 200+ employees 4 days per week. thats a not insignificant amount of food that company wont be getting for at least that long (and departments where work from home is doable are likely to stay out longer if the issue doesn’t get better.)

in the republican primary that year alone i’d take her over guliani, brownback, keyes, paul, huckabee or tancredo. she was just a small town mayor in way over her head, floundering about. the rest of those guys were some combination of stupid, mean, already leaning into senility and outright evil

so its the mulan, but they took out the music and the comedy, added in a bunch of naked chinese propoganda and hired an actual fascist as the star so that they can milk money out of a country that currently has millions of innocent people locked in concentration camps? boy golly AV club, i can’t wait to get hyped for