
in the republican primary that year alone i’d take her over guliani, brownback, keyes, paul, huckabee or tancredo. she was just a small town mayor in way over her head, floundering about. the rest of those guys were some combination of stupid, mean, already leaning into senility and outright evil

so its the mulan, but they took out the music and the comedy, added in a bunch of naked chinese propoganda and hired an actual fascist as the star so that they can milk money out of a country that currently has millions of innocent people locked in concentration camps? boy golly AV club, i can’t wait to get hyped for

at least they pulled the trigger early enough that refunds for planes tickets and accommodations for people who booked may be possible and they are refunding their own fees.

It was answered in the article- they opted not to pay the extra premium for coverage that would have insured them against diseases disrupting the event. The fact that was even an option is going to hurt their legal defense against a law suit demanding refunds

technically.... nobody really knows? On paper- it is not illegal for them to refuse to issue refunds. they have a whole legal disclaimer that comes when you purchase tickets from them in which they specify exactly what circumstances they have to offer a refund and they have the catch all ‘act of god’ in there.


saw the toilet paper aisle at the grocery store- the single ply was cleared out, but the 2 and 3 ply was still fully stocked, so my pampered ass is safe for now

the PR alone would be killer: SXSW infections confirmed at dozens, thousands more at risk! 

It’s clear from you equivocation that you thought long and hard about posting this. You made the wrong choice. Thousands of people dieing so you cant get your plushy is the wrong take and you should feel bad

He was drunk and appears to have somehow chambered multiple rounds. He ejected one, but there was at least one other in the chamber. 

did the Bene Gesserit approve the use of the Kitsis Horowitz?

in his case, apparently it was a solid dose of ‘liquid courage.’

which of course makes the whole thing far, far worse

the bottle to the right in that picture is hand soap that is perfectly adequate for getting rid of virus’s. its what i use in my home

this feels like it would be better as more of a black mirror-ish thing- setup the time swap, but then follow the absolute shit show that their lives would be. Her, in the future, totally unable to figure out technology, mores and the world around her (not to mention not legally being a person in an age when that sort

this stuff again....

1. the US government had a vested interest in the early days of saying it was flying saucers, because it discredited people who saw their actual test aircraft as loons.

the midwest is another planet to hollywood.

It seems disingenuous to get mad that nobody is fact checking a memoir. You cant 'fact check' someone's own life story for anything other than things in the public record

jokes on him. the ‘mucc does all his own lifetime movies

‘how could something as unbelievably nightmarish as getting a normal fucking job’

hell thats not even a normal job. he’s in management, its not like he’s hanging drywall or doing framing like an actual normal person

weirdly, bob (as incoherent as he was) might have been the only one who actually seemed to understand how twitter worked. If i cut through his gibberish, he seemed to be saying that a lot of conservatives throw a fit when they suddenly lose large groups of followers, but its their own fault because they don’t curate

yeah, short of physical disability or some sort of chronic pain issue, i can’t imagine a person who doesn’t enjoy getting out in nature and walking around. you don’t have to climb a mountain or go for days with a heavy pack - you can just enjoy a nice little meander through the woods or a park