Bill Joy is a monster who must be stopped
Bill Joy is a monster who must be stopped
isn’t he the sultan of Bahrain?
my feeling with the scientologists is that they are creepy and a problem in any context.
but moss is by *far* my least favorite of that group because she consistently takes roles that are supposed to be comments on abused women, societal oppression of women, violence against women. the hypocrisy of her trying to frame…
a truly fearless actress would tell us where Shelly Musgrave is buried
The Fargo Adventures’ Sam and Remi Fargo, The NUMA Files’ Kurt Austin, and The Isaac Bell Adventures’ namesake character
at least planet of the apes had the ‘deadly disease’ plot
i wish i had more stars to give
i had forgotten that bloomberg endorsed scott brown in her first run for senate. she seems to have taken it somewhat badly
i really don’t get his appeal- which is fine. i’m just one guy and i’m probably not his demographic.
what really confuses me though is these people like lorne michaels, and the execs at netflix, who are far older and less in his demographic than i am seem to be really in his corner and thinks he’s just great.
the proliferation of alternative beet types has made it worse- i can eat yellow or candy cane beets and be fine so i don’t have the strong association that i used to.
the last week or so of bloomberg’s ‘yeah i said that on camera’ has been astonishing (and it doesn’t even count the NDA stuff, that is apparently way, way worse.) its to the point where it would be quicker to list the people he hasn’t slagged then try and write out all the groups he’s crapped on.
he also stabbed a guy. so there’s that
‘but I can get an entire week’s worth of food in under half an hour so it doesn’t make sense for me.’
wouldn’t that be a good thing for a klingon (who are obviously a warlike people who probably take a lot of injuries to their organs)? its kind of presented as a bad thing
‘most of them as redundant as Klingon anatomy.’
‘but it’s not like anyone expected Sonic to be a powerhouse’
its a kids movie based on a long and (weirdly) beloved franchise. it was going to do well
i speak gibberish so i’ll try to translate-
A US carrier force, operating under this doctorine of open seas, traveled through indonesian waters. however, since the fleet had its combat air patrol (CAP) up and deployed, they technically broke the treaty.
however, since the US never actually ratified the treaty even after…
also, the *actual* report in places like wapo pointed out that it is widely accepted by business owners and public officials that these instances of false reporting on social media have been done by rival chinatown business’s looking to steal customers from more popular places and have been mostly aimed at patrons of…
can we retire the ‘grant was a drunk’ stuff? thats post war anti-reconstruction propaganda. by modern standards grant probably was a heavy drinker, but not to the point that it would have stood out in contemporary society. and given that logistics and maneuver were two of his greatest strengths as a commander, he…
It was apparently literally missing effects. For example there was a scene where Judi Dench didnt have some of the CGI on her- she just had her normal humans hands with her wedding ring and all. I'm not sure why they bothered, but they wanted the finished version of it apparently