
i speak gibberish so i’ll try to translate-

A US carrier force, operating under this doctorine of open seas, traveled through indonesian waters. however, since the fleet had its combat air patrol (CAP) up and deployed, they technically broke the treaty.

however, since the US never actually ratified the treaty even after

also, the *actual* report in places like wapo pointed out that it is widely accepted by business owners and public officials that these instances of false reporting on social media have been done by rival chinatown business’s looking to steal customers from more popular places and have been mostly aimed at patrons of

can we retire the ‘grant was a drunk’ stuff? thats post war anti-reconstruction propaganda. by modern standards grant probably was a heavy drinker, but not to the point that it would have stood out in contemporary society. and given that logistics and maneuver were two of his greatest strengths as a commander, he

It was apparently literally missing effects. For example there was a scene where Judi Dench didnt have some of the CGI on her- she just had her normal humans hands with her wedding ring and all. I'm not sure why they bothered, but they wanted the finished version of it apparently

I wear soundless headphones whenever I’m using a saw or any other loud and dangerous power tool. Over the ear hearing protecting cans are super common

Im in my mid 30s and so far as I am aware I have never heard their music and have no interest to. 

So um..... since we now know bela karolyi was an abusive horror show who let Larry nassar work in his ranch, are they going to actually address that or just pretend hes a loveable gruff coach?

its getting mostly decent to good reviews elsewhere. I think there is still a blindspot with a lot of critics like Dowd where a purely children focused movie is automatically docked if its not pixar ‘appeals to all ages equally.’

i think its ok to make a movie that children will truly enjoy, as long as its not actively

i really liked your trilateral commission

‘Originating in China in ancient times and adopted by Europeans as pasta, noodles are a staple across East and Southeast Asia’

most historians believe that pasta/noodles/etc (given how broad a category that is) seems to have originated independently in multiple locations. it makes sense- you take a dried grain

also interesting is while Wells was inspired by the tasmanian invasion by england that had gone really poorly for the tasmanians, there was an entire genre of ‘invasion literature’ in england that was all about how germany was going to rise up, cross the channel and conquer the brits. war of the worlds was written

i will happily sell you moon property, just keep in mind that we at Moon Realty Inc. are not responsible for transportation to your new condo, located on the beautiful shores of the sea of tranquility

if you want to do war of the worlds, you need to update the enemies. the tripod aliens with the weapons described by HG wells would have been terrifying to a military in 1897, but they seem silly in the 2000's. the 1950's movie wisely gave them energy weapons and energy shields that made sense in a world with nukes. a

just for the record, the whole ‘radio play inspired mass panic’ thing appears to have been completely invented by the newspapers, who were looking to discredit radio as a news source. since radio could break a story to audiences in near real time and papers only printed once or twice a day, they had a vested interest

so its like buying property on the moon then?

i’d also say it came out in china last year but despite having schwarzenegger in it and looking like catnip for this exact sort of site, it doesn’t seem to have made any sort of splash

both matt damon and arnold schwarzenegger want to be in their movies because they are so artistically excellent!

oh boy, another terrible chinese made action film with a handful of big names lured for glorified cameo’s to give it a veneer of respectability. best case this isn’t naked propaganda.

griddle fried duck intestines are also quite good, speaking of less widely eaten duck parts. i was in suzhou hanging out with some of my local colleagues at what was basically an outlet mall and they sold it on practically every street corner. they’d thread them onto bamboo sticks and toss like 100 at a time onto a

amazon. you can buy jerry cans of the stuff on there for relatively cheap (assuming you have the space to store it.)