
so basically they’ve already offered Andrew Patterson the reboot of independence day?

as someone who has gotten somewhat bored with marvel movies format i’m somewhat grateful to the zac snyder movies for sabotaging their attempt to marvel-ify themselves. i’m digging the new weird place DC is in with their willingness to ignore continuity, experiment with R rated material and go goofy. i much prefer

i worked as a prep cook/dishwasher in highschool for a summer. it was an acceptable summer job, but it also made it very clear that as much as i enjoy cooking at home and am pretty good at it, it would never be a professional avenue for me. If someone did want to open their own restaurant like that, might be good to

I had the honor to meet Mr. Douglas at an alumni event a decade or so back and you could not ask for a nicer, kinder and more pleasant person to spend some time with. He truly was a class act

can we adjust for living costs? 100k isn’t a whole heckuva lot in the sorts of cities where they pay you 100k for relatively normal person jobs.

if you want to eat a nice steak like donald trump, be my guest. but i will judge you. 

it does make me a little sad/confused when i see someone put ketchup on a something that has a very subtle but unique flavor. because basically its like.... why are you going the extra mile to get something like a bratwurst (subtle and unique flavor) or like a dry aged grass fed steak (expensive and unique flavor) and

i’m not sure how you can endorse something that made you feel physically ill as a winner?

i actually rewatched it a few weeks ago (weirdly just before they announced season 2) and its extremely well done from a production and acting side, but the storytelling is (i think intentionally) very fractured and a bit on the odd side.

he got wiped by takeshi’s sister with a virus. that said, as an AI it seems like there are a lot of ways to bring him back- maybe he was just one franchise and there are thousands of them in places across the stars, maybe kovacs found a backup because he liked him so much, etc. he was a really solid, fun character on

papa johns is by far the worst of the big chains. you’d have to be in a really rough place if you need to order it. even former title holder dominoes has upped their game by comparison. i’d even go to a little ceasars before papa johns and thats factoring in that going to little ceasars has a 50/50 chance of getting

i could be super great at tae bo, but i’d expect to poop myself if i challenge someone who knows judo.

you can spell it however you want, seagal still crapped his pants

if you’re an akido fan, i understand it to be a good work out and i understand the mental aspect of the spiritualism and whatnot.

but we’ve all seen MMA at this point and we know that a lot of martial arts are good for actually fighting people and others are good for exercise and controlled tournaments against other

if they want to just do a comedy podcast where they tell jokes, by all means. but i know 5 year olds that can give me a concise plot summary of new hope with accuracy, which to me says that they’re either pretending to not understand it because they think its funnier or they’re too busy trying to make jokes that they

i mean, is that such a crazy anecdote? seagal is a notorious fraud at martial arts and he’s also a notorious jerk who is known to challenge people to fights. if this Peters guy had done some judo or grappling training (and he seems to imply he has,) i’d completely buy that story. 

that jeep pickup is the ugliest vehicle i have seen in decades. it looks like some sort of deranged chop shop took a wrangler and attached the bed of a 1997 chevy colorado to it with a spot welder.

well that seems actively unpleasant. hard pass

how can you watch new hope and not be able to follow it? i can certainly see watching it and not liking it, but the story is intentionally very simple, patterned after the monomyth, one of the most recognizable story types in history and was intended to be enjoyable to even relatively young children.

i make japanease pan fried rice balls that have a crispy exterior and solid interior that could easily serve as a bun if they were flattened and allowed to cool. its really not difficult- even easier on the grill in the summer. the only hard part would be creating some sort of mold to make it a perfect shape