
i just use all that stuff. the fancy cherry table/sideboard we only used in the dining room on holidays? kitchen table, used every day. fancy china? in regular rotation, used daily. fancy, nice furniture? in the living room, being used all the time.

admittedly the silver (and the crystal) isn’t used super often, but

On one hand... this is a series that has proven shockingly good despite its humble and ad hoc roots. On the other hand though, most reboots/remakes suck.

If I remember correctly the stated mission timeframe is always misleading because they map it out by percentages when they’re pitching the project. Since these things are (relatively) expensive they have to do design docs that give estimated reliability vs mission length which would look something like:

In florida i think he’d be allowed to shoot all of them and be legally fine.

Yeah, those are scumbag fake guns anyway- the sort of thing you see in movies about gangsters and nutters. Its not like there is a nice gun cabinet with some classic shotguns where you could at least say ‘oh ok, this guy is a collector of taste who likely shoots trap on the weekend.’ It looks like a bunch of assault

Yeah even in that picture they look real fake. Which is honestly even more baffling

if you enjoy TLJ for what it is, great. i watched in a very long airplane ride and i thought the action scenes and space battles were cool. i don’t hate the movie and i don’t begrudge anyone that does

i think its a little too meta- if you don’t know the backstory as to why the original ending is the way it is, it feels like this seems a bit clunky. if you do know why it was the way it was, it seems a little out of character for alcott. i don’t think it really detracts from the movie, i just prefer the pure snark of

Changing the ending from the original seems kind of against the actual spirit of alcott, who always seemed like she was snarky as shit. She even says so in her letters- the ending was her trolling the traditionalists who were demanding she do the marriage ending. Doing the ‘original’ ending seems weaker then doing the

has anyone said cocaine yet?

i didn’t get any of that from the story. if that really was the goal of his plot, then i would say it was a complete failure

well yeah, you need to divorce them from any plotting because they don’t really make a lot of sense. but in a sense of ‘is this well shot, can i tell what is happening, is it lit and paced well, etc’ they work- and in a world of ‘shaky-cam’ action scene blocking, that’s not nearly as much of a guarantee as it probably

starbucks in china isn’t great.... but also its not an even playing field for them.

the last time i was there though i never got their coffee (shanghai) because they didn’t open early enough. they opened at 9am! as someone who was in the city for a month for work, i needed coffee at 8am, minimum because i’m on my way

I also find that very odd- TLJ is a competently directed movie. no disputing that. it is also not a tremendously well plotted or written movie.

Rey and Kylo- as you say- tease this idea they might ‘break the cycle’..... and then they don’t. they do at least grow as characters to some extent, so its a wash

Finn goes on

even if true, they sold 20 million copies of the witcher 3 and with the switch its actually selling better this year then ever before (which is kind of nuts, but cool.) thats a lot of potential viewers even if it doesn’t bring anyone else in

i think its kind of due to the difference in the business model- traditionally we’ve seen shows on TV have bad but promising (ST:NG) or mediocre but promising (parks and rec) first seasons and get renewed, but its because they sold ads to the right demographic group.

streaming funds itself with subs, so its a lot

I’m glad to see Aldis Hodge getting some really solid work and good parts. i remember first seeing him on leverage years ago and he was the obvious standout

then he should have picked more than one example for his non-ALW options (i.e. les miss and miss siagon or whatever.)

but really i just don’t like cats and les mis being linked and i’ll take affront at any even remote suggestion of that. les mis might have its issues, but its not goddamn cats

edit: and i have routinely

not only does it imply that with the language used, it also seems to indicate that les mis is somehow on the same level as cats and phantom, which is offensive in its own right

you kind of imply Les Mis is an andrew loyd webber bit: