
ugh- for the umpteenth time the reason the Jon Hamm character isn’t getting the scrutiny is because he is a made up character. Wilde is playing a real woman (who is dead and can’t defend herself) who is being slandered by this movie implying she slept with someone for a story. if they made up a fake character to be

other billionaires, some millionaires and people who work for his company

Im with you- I’ve always like tomato juice, so when it was a default breakfast offer in england I went for it and they always offered it with a dash of worcester. It's really good- adds enough without being too much. I might stop and grab some on my way home tommorow 

i’m in no moral position to tell anyone what a functional breakfast looks like. heck, i’d go with a cheaper vodka

the trick to terrestrial tomato juice enjoyment is to follow the brits- add a splash of worcester sauce and stir it in. its practically a breakfast on its own

it will get past TSA but it has to weigh less than 100 lbs or spirit wont accept it in checked luggage. tools, a ‘set of wheel hubs and ridiculously heavy steering box’ might be a bridge too far at 100 lbs 

eh, i bet that wouldn’t bother them so much. that stuff goes over their head- they’d probably think it was funny if anything. i think they’d be bored to tears by the story and length and then scared when the helicopter comes down

i mean, cat’s the show makes sense- you can take very young kids to it and they’ll like it and even if the adults find the vignette based story and music to be not very compelling, the staging, dancing and costuming are still interesting.

you’re not going to take your 10 year old and 6 year old to NYC to see their

i had never had a date before last week when we bought some on a whim. my wife and i thought they were fine, but my 16 month old *loved* them. we’ve been feeding them to her sparingly because they seemed very sugary, but she’d sit down and eat a lb of those things if we let her

also i would note- venture capital is not outside of ‘the market.’ i used language that was not specific enough and gave the impression i meant a publicly traded market. VC are still composed of investment firms who are supposed to do even more due diligence than the public markets, which are dominated by large funds

the only weird thing about this specific case is that this guy wasn’t all that tricky- he didn’t lie the same way theranos did, he didn’t commit any fraud that anyone can tell (at least not legal.) he just was enthusiastic and weird and acted like he totally knew what he was doing and some of the biggest banks in the

wait- i was told that markets are the perfect way to root out bad actors and we should let them work without silly things like regulations or oversight that might stop a massive japanease bank from giving airtight corporate control of the business to a guy who looked like the dude in the picture above and then were

the truly baffling thing is that as that was happening, the disney brass were ruthlessly cracking the whip on rogue one and solo. they created a system in which they explicitly said they were going to stand alone movies that would have creative freedom to explore different ideas, themes and characters in the SW

i don’t think a lot of people would say its bad film making- its a very well put together film. its more bad plotting and character work. i think boyega makes that point well- by splitting the characters up into side plots that keep them separate you lose the character work of them bouncing off each other and hopefully

Lets make it really simple- Right wingers are not concerned with actual economic minutia. They care about racial grievances and moral arguments and they couch them in dog whistles to try and appeal to a larger audience: true or false?

buddy, you’re either a dupe or you own a car dealership and you just want lower taxes if you honestly believe what you’re saying

hasn’t she written several books about this exact subject? unless she’s actually going to do some frost/nixon level of ‘inadvertently revealing something about yourself in conversation’ this is just going to retread the same ground as before. i think that sort of thing works a lot better in book form

she did get him into libya, which led to him going back on his red line in syria, which certainly didn’t help him.

but i think she did that because she was a generally poor secretary of state and not because she was trying to sabotage him specifically. it certainly didn’t help her image as a war happy neo-con democrat.

you specifically said people on brietbart. you can’t move the goalposts and claim victory

there’s was a place that does a gourmet style american chinese menu a few blocks from me (they took the classic take out items and re-create them as smaller plate, everything cooked from scratch and to order, local sourcing, etc) that was run by a white guy. it was good and i don’t recall anyone getting up in arms,