
yeah, even the ‘unrigged’ games are a rip off if you’re worried about the prizes.

this was a 6 flags park, but it was one they had bought and hadn’t rebranded at the time, so some of the old unbeatable games were still around (park was from the 30's and still had a lot of the 40s, 50s and 60s midway stuff still hanging

small correction- some of them are designed to be at least winnable, if not to be won. when i worked at an amusement park with plenty of those style games, the hoop shooting game was designed to be relatively easy to win- if you were a fairly competent basketball player and were decent with free throws, it was very

i mean.... is he the bad guy? france didn’t really start the 100 year war, and they were just defending their homeland. Yeah, i get that the english king had a solid claim to the throne (although by the time henry came around, it was significantly weaker than it had been originally) but from a french perspective the

its delightfully bad. everything about that movie is incredibly bad in such a weird way

i had a molester try and groom me when i was an early teen- i was far too dumb to even realize thats what was going on at the time- and he was strategic. he was a dance teacher and went out of his way to cultivate strong relationships with the kids of well off parents in a non sexual way so they would provide him a

suicide squad is perhaps the best example i can think of in a mainstream movie that made a ton of movie and won a freaking oscar where even a random audience member who has never edited a film, is only semi aware of what editing entails and has never really considered film editing in the past would walk out of that

hey now, Jai Courtney was actually one of the few bright spots in that film. realistically, he felt like one of the only people who actually even knew what movie he was participating in

I just feel like the producers of Ballers really missed a shot here when they could have replaced Dwayne “The Rock’ Johnson in this final season with Daisy Ridley, who seems far better suited to play the ex-football player turned sports agent of this series. A big missed chance

i mean, if you find people who look like mule deer sexy and that happens to be your niche, good on you, but maybe leave the rest of us out of those declarative statements? i’m an elk man myself

i worked at a place where myself and a buddy caught the head chef and GM smoking weed and partaking of some of the nice wine in the basement. this was awhile back (when weed was ‘the gateway drug’!) and this was a resort that was owned by a large corporate brand (so they actually probably would have cared and likely

I think the real obvious take way here is that this would have landed a lot better if they had replaced Daisy Ridley with Dwayne ‘The Rock” Johnson. how much cooler would it have been to shift to a hooded figure of Rey with that crazy lightsaber and then the hood is pulled back and its “The Rock”?

100% cooler, thats

I work nights and dont have cable so i catch bits and pieces of them weekly. Lighting that is pre-set for a specific set and not for a specific scene is the hallmark of that genre and this strikes me the same. Its flat and doesnt feel like it’s taking into account what is happening in the scene but is just set up to

think about it- if you live near any major city and you like cars, you can’t drive your cool car in any manner close to how it was meant to be driven, because there are millions of cross over SUVs and commuter sedans clogging up every roadway trying to get to work or to get to the various activities that the city

the lighting on this show still makes it look like a soap opera

i did one of their 5 day sessions. it was clearly a scam from the get go, but it seemed more like a way to separate bored rich people from their cash than anything truly nefarious. 

also in a world where ‘rampage’ is the best reviewed video game movie of all time, you’re swimming against some strong currents trying to make an adaptation that isn’t going to be a mess

this doesn’t strike me as a big mystery- its a brand new ‘studio’ set up to turn playstation games into movies. They likely have no idea what they are doing and as soon as the director starts to get a look at the support structure they’d have and the hurdles they’d need to deal with working with these guys, they bail

ironically maine is facing the opposite issue that he’s freaking out about- an aging population, spread out over a large and lowly populated area, who didn’t use enough of their bootstraps to put money away in the good times and now can’t find workers to assist in blue collar businesses and can’t find anyone to take

well, the ‘actual professional diplomat in charge’ thing is relatively new and is a bit of a historical anomaly. diplomats were usually some nobleman or relative of whomever was running the ship- even in the industrial era its only been post ww2 that true professionals have risen to the top (before that they were

same- i used to watch it with my mom (i did some professional dancing in the d-league of professional dancing as a summer job so i’m a sucker for the genre.) she loathes anyone connected to trump and will be rooting for this guy to be the first one off