
is it though? You don’t hear his music in stores. you don’t hear it in tv and movies. people are not doing covers of his music (i mean, the last one was what.... alien ant farm?)

And i am too young to remember his super star status- which is kind of the point i was making. if you divorce his out sized personality and

i do own his greatest hits album. and i listen to it occasionally (or perhaps, i did) and enjoy it. but.... its not something i go back to. i listen to it when i need something to listen to while mowing the lawn and i’m looking for an album where really listening isn’t actually important (where i can just fill in the

i’m going to say something that will probably elicit not much response and point out that jackson’s music was ‘largely ok and maybe good if you grew up with it, but really is ultimately forgettable and will be quickly forgotten, even if you don’t know about his sex pervert status.

it wasn’t great. nobody is going to

it looks like live is headlining and they are arguably the least memorable of the group. you could probably just ditch after bush and be fine (no idea what the ticket prices are, which i guess might make a difference)

they are going to be in boston 2 days after my birthday, the venue is a 10 minute walk from my office and i’ve seen all 3 of these bands several times. this seems like goddamn fate to me

why would AV club audiences- who are mostly interested in arguing about the deeper cuts of pop culture- be immediately assumed to pay attention to forgettable pop music from today?

‘near-ubiquitous’ must mean something very different in chicago then it does anywhere else. I’ve yet to hear any of it in any format, as an adult person who does the shopping but doesn’t listen to the pop radio. when it shows up at the grocery store, maybe you’ll have a point. do they just blast terrible pop music

or they could go the opposite way and point out its better for both- if you want to invest the money and time into a good home theater setup, its a better experience than the megaplex. But a person on a laptop is still going to be able to experience something like Roma and get some appreciation of it (maybe some of

yeah, i find it hard to believe that anyone looked at the drumbeat of ‘settled out of court for an undisclosed amount’ for years and thought there wasn’t anything going on.

even if you buy the ‘oh, michael is being targeted because he’s rich’ thing- how many normal wealthy adult men routinely target pre-pubescent

realistically even, my sound system and screen are objectively superior to the movie theater. I have a very large screen, which is capable of showing the highest possible resolution format (short of imax.) And i have a full surround sound system that i calibrated to provide perfectly balanced sound exactly to my

Mercy street was shockingly bad given the cast, production values and setting. The writing was so absolutely abysmal that nothing could save it

for a few hundred bucks you can hire an electrician to install a full house surge protector which will protect against pretty much anything short of the end of the world. if you own thousands and thousands of dollars or electronics, spending the rough equivalent of one game console to protect the entire collection

the first two did solid (if not spectacular) numbers, the original cast is a combination of too old, too ill, too busy or too much of a sex pest and the original director is as well known for his inability to scale his budgets and ideas to get a movie actually made as he is beloved for the occasion when he actually

with the job thing, i don’t think he wanted a *specific* job, i think he just wanted *a* nice paying job with little work out of this.... and he got it. he got a plum spot with the RNC- i doubt cohen cared where is no-show check came from as long as he got it. funny that the republican congress people conveniently

the weird thing is, i didn’t know what ed sheeran looked like, so it didn’t seem that out of place. only after the furor did i look him up and find some of his video’s and realized he sang a couple of songs i’d heard in the grocery store

oh, except that one guy who looked like patrick stewart. there were apparently some early people in the america’s that were pretty good looking. everywhere else? no

i mean, people were just ugly in the past. its science.

yeah, it was considered something barbarians did- hadrian was the guy who is famous/infamous for growing a full beard and not giving a shit about it, but before him it was a horrible scandal to do so. hadrian was something of a roman hipster.... 

i’ve managed to avoid it by basically giving up everything else- kiddo is asleep at around 8, up around 5:30/6 and i’m probably asleep around 9. saturday nights i can usually play a few hours of video games because my wife will get up with her on sunday (i get up with her during the work week so i get sunday to rest.)

it happened a lot- some of the stronger emperors (mostly those who had the personal loyalty of some larger section of the legion) managed to pull off being far more eastern centric later on when the senate had become less important. my personal theory (backed by nothing but my own ruminations) is that the east was