
claudius was still a total dick

well, first- from what little historical record we have, he responded admirably to the fire (he wasn’t actually in the city proper when it kicked off but was forced to rush back.) he opened the parks to the displaced, opened the treasury to buy food for them, personally oversaw the fire fighting efforts and later

which is kind of what i want from it? 

i mean, we all know that the stories about Nero that came down through history are obvious fabrications, written by his enemies after his death? And we’ve found significant graffiti from his reign, written by common people and all of it is uniformly positive?

Nero was likely killed because he offended the roman

i think the thing that bothers me about this piece (and this is hardly the first one i’ve seen with this same bend) is that we all know its wrong.

as has been pointed out over and over, there is no grand trump based conspiracy, or a backlash by older members, or intergenerational warfare thing going on. the acadamy

not knowing much about the canadian comedy market, is this a government subsidized thing, where they were supporting it with taxpayer money? i know they have a BBC style system or requiring certain content levels and local production stuff, but do they pay for it?

as an unpopular opinion, i don’t mind fallon. its goofy, low impact stuff that i want at that time of night if i’m winding down for bed. 11:30 pm is not a great time to process in depth political humor from colbert if you’re pretty confident your kid is going to wake you up at 5:30am. 5 minutes of a goof in a chicken

Exactly- the ranked voting means that in a diverse year where there is no extreme stand out, you are going to more or less guarantee that a film like green book wins- one that isnt offensive or poorly made enough to be the bottom of anyone’s ballot, but isnt likely the top either. Solid 3-4 rank would be my guess. vice

gig economy man

detroit ‘style’ was just the cheap pizza you got in upstate NY 30 years ago. they didn’t invent it.

and i’ve had plenty of pizza with sauce on the top that dates back to the 70's in upstate NY.

new haven i will kind of grant, because it does have a relatively unique hook (although i’m not sure that just making NY style

as we get older our taste buds tend to fade out, and interest in hot sauce tends to increase. my 90 year old grandfather in law absolutely loves my *extremely* hot pickled habernero relish- a relish that is way too hot for me to eat (and i love heat.) not to say you might be getting old.... but you might be getting

it uses a ranked vote system since they expanded to 10 nominees. so its likely that green book was most people’s 2nd (or maybe 3rd or 4th) choice and the others had more partisans (i.e. 1 person says black panther is #1 but the next guy says its #8.)

the inside baseball answer is that they have a system of ranked voting. if a couple of films incite extreme passions it opens up a path for one that most people liked and nobody really hated to end up winning. i.e. 70% of people put black panther as number 1 and 30% put it dead last, but 90% of people think green book

may i suggest elizabeth warren may be a little different? She’s not flashy, but she’s been my senator for awhile and she has a plan to try and harness the better parts of capitalism to help those left behind. the consumer protection agency was her brainchild after all

ehhhhh. its like 2 seasons of decent spy stuff and 3 seasons of... why

he’s from vermont, a state where you can walk around naked as long as you don’t disrobe outside. he’s probably just happy they have pants on

well, since daniel day lewis is such a method actor that he actually time traveled to the past to observe lincoln directly, that all makes sense

it means that you end up tasting different aspects of the wine- it mutes some of the bolder portions and lets you get some of the other parts of it. you might still really hate that wine, find you liked it better the other way or maybe find you like it better this way. the point is that you get a different taste

i think that is incredibly cool personally. we have sam waterson doing his voice for ken burns and we all sort of assume that must have been what it was, but in reality he was more likely to sound like little richard crossed with kenneth from the office. 

that is wild- even a relatively easily split wood like ash would be incredibly difficult to do that with. shows you the sort of casual physical strength that pre-industrial work required