
i am still absolutely baffled that tom clancy is still a hip, happening thing in the year of our lord 2018

it always makes me happy anytime i see SVU is playing to know that at the same time that stabler is violating someone’s civil rights somewhere else in NYC an alien or werewolf is running around eating someone

please remove me from this email list

but for 20 dollars i can get a lb of fresh, local, blue fin tuna from a fishmonger. is it really worth it to buy a canned version (let us assume i can do a perfect pan sear each time, for the sake of the argument.)

the worry is less ‘one specific #metoo person is also a predator, this makes the movement invalid’ and more ‘if the movement doesn’t take accusations against one of their own very seriously and treat them the same as they’ve treated accusations against those they don’t like, the obvious hypocrisy of that stance will

And inflation is 2.95%. Wage increases mean nothing if price increases out stretch them

also a SLU person it makes me very sad to see SUNY Canton convinced a young woman to give up on her dreams of music to instead stay there and play e-sports. 

Y’know the thing about a pooh, he’s got... lifeless eyes, black eyes, like a doll’s eyes

for me its the eyes- the whole ‘doll’s eye’s’ speech from jaws wasn’t supposed to be a suggestion!

so nobody can be offended except the victims of things? you can’t have empathy and be sympathetic to people?

i don’t understand this (seemingly common) sentiment. i was deeply mean to gay people when i was a teen, because those were the times we lived in. however, i met some gay people and realized that i was being

he used jokes about trans people to make money- how is that cool? break it down for me. how does making fun of trans people in order to build a career work for you? keep in mind- this is not someone who said this in the 1980's or 1990's or even early 2000's when (as awful as it is) our culture was generally ok with it.

i attended one of their conferences between my freshman and sophomore year of college (early 2000's.) They were incredibly sharp- only a handful of the ~40 people attending objected to them at all. it was a clever situation though- it was fully pitched as an executive booster program and they had charged a huge amount

i mean- think of it this way- if you are an adult who worked for a ‘hip’ edgy company, and they suggest you tweet on your personal account to push the brand would your first response be ‘haha, aren’t trans people just the worst?’

i mean, if that is your thought process, then ok, whatever. but don’t pretend that you

Gunn was working for Troma studies and was making these comments in an attempt to stir up controversy (as was troma’s business plan.) He said what he said in an attempt to boost his career and it worked. Its been shocking to me to see people looking at his comments- and the mercenary thought behind them and how

FFS- i have posted more eloquent stuff elsewhere on here but i’ll do the TLDR here:

Gunn was a grown ass adult when he decided- and he did decide- to use this edgelord nonsense to get his foot in the door- his entire career likely stems from that. regardless of who dug up this stuff, to continue to support someone who

i don’t think you are wrong, although i do think if someone does stupid crap and then later shows a real sense of being sorry they should be forgiven.

my issue with gunn is that he used his gross, mean, (clearly calculated- as i said in my post on the original news article) attitude to boost his career. it strikes me

i scanned through most of the comments and didn’t see anyone mention the battery. those cheap 12v starter batteries are always garbage and its easy to replace, even for a novice (some hybrids excepted.) after oil, its the first thing i replace

more to the point, how does anyone with half a brain not realize that perhaps broadcasting half baked ideas to the world are a bad idea?

even as a college kid (and one who partied way too hard) i knew that i needed to untag myself from sketchy pictures. i never even did anything too bad, but if i was pictured in a shot

it just seems to lazy- yeah, people who are getting toward middle age still like stuff from when they were young and felt like the world was in front of them, even if perhaps that stuff was not objectively timeless classics. making fun of people for having nostalgia like that is just the laziest and more boring sort

skull island is a decent enough film- it gets a lot right and it largely delivers on the premise of ‘giant ape fights samuel l jackson.

but man, i want to A. find out what movie riley thought he was and B. watch that thing, because it seems like it must have been amazingly fun