
i mean, you argument is basically ‘people should have voted for hillary because we should trust mitch mcconnell to do the right thing’

the supreme court pick should have belonged to obama, why would you think the republican majority would have allowed hillary to pick one anyway? if the republicans were willing to hold up a nomination in the face of all precedence and law for that long, why do you think they’d have caved to hillary?

and again, i remind

gosh, its almost like in 1994 when someone said ‘gang members’ that the listening population knew exactly what they meant by that. its called a dog whistle for a reason friend

yeah, i came across a little bit hot and personal on that, which i (almost, but too slow for kinja edit) immediately realized and was not my intention. i would however stand by my point that clinton’s issues are hardly limited to her pervasive racist comments- her attacks on her husbands accusers (which are all the

also, i came across as if i was accusing you personally- when i said ‘so sure, if you think we should ignore her track record’ i did not intend that as an attack against you personally, so much as a wider ‘you’ as in a potential person reading my argument. i didn’t mean to seem like i was getting at you personally and

ugh. i realize that is old, but still.... how could anyone believe that would be acceptable after about 1955?

i thought i could edit, but apparently not-

i’m not sure that holding hillary clinton to the standard of ‘she was better than donald trump’ is exactly the best look for her either.

he should get a second one from her speech where she calls black children ‘super predators.’ really match the set

sure but consider this- if comcast starts charging all his yokel MAGAbots 5 bucks more for the ‘gold’ level of internet that includes twitter, you really think they’re going to give up nearly 3 whole MD 20/20's to read his bloviation?

that does however represent a ~30 point swing from the usual republican turn out in alabama, which is still pretty impressive

i thought In Time was a solid SciFi movie, even if the story wasn’t anything special

i believe they have that- its called the CDCR San Quentin drama club

to be fair to you and (to a point) to mike tyson, we know a lot more about tyson that paints him in a more sympathetic light in retrospect- its hard to look at any athlete who competes in a sport that involves constant and repeated head trauma and not wonder if CTE doesn’t have some part of it

he was accused of it while being arrested for drunk driving, so add that second part on too

so history is going to inevitably tie this into the oak island show for some old fashion network synergy, right?

unless its actually ryan reynolds in a physical pikachu costume, stumbling about half blind and all dialogue recorded through the suit, no sale

also, why do people think that amazon would buy thousands of storage arrays- massive, expensive, maintenance intensive machines- and hundreds or thousands of servers- with pricey licensing, maintenance and hardware cost- develop custom software to analyze this data, pay for the bandwidth to deliver it (plus switches,

he was a child cast member of les miz before he was a jonas brother, so the connection wasn’t that crazy. the problem was that he grew up to be a perfectly fine male pop singer and everyone else up there was the absolute cream of their respective roles over the past 10 years. he was clearly the weakest link by a

the impression i got from reading what they actually said wasn’t that the balls were physically hanging out of his pants, so much as they created a distracting bulge that they didn’t want to be the full focus of his very snug shorts