
i think twitter bears significant blame for the current political and cultural messes we find ourselves in and i have 0 respect for this ‘cut all content creation, paste unreadable twitter shit posts and cut out early’ thing that has become so deeply popular.

did they at least describe the deaths and why they were vindictive? i only know 2 of them and one is from the story about kevin can wait from earlier today

i watched the brave (because it was on, i work nights and i don’t have cable.) It was noticeably low budget in some sections and not in others and often confusingly shot. it also seemed weird that they brought in a real life person as the bad guy, because it seemed out of step with the otherwise pastiche heavy setup.

they’ve got to introduce everyone in the first episode or two but is there any reason to think they’ll always do the 3 separate time structure? it seems like they could pretty easily do an episode that is like 90% the young kid and 10% a book end from the eldest version commenting on it or even just stand alone ones.

It’s an interesting theory, but almost certainly not true. The majority if the evidence for it is the flowery letters mentioned here, but those were common for the day. Given James was immediately followed by the English revolts (all of the participants having vested interest in slandering him) and then Charles II

i suspect that he’s right- but that sort of ignores the point that maybe that isn’t a bad thing.

richard pryor was a huge part of the creation of blazing saddles, but he was functionally pushed out by the studies in favor of an old white man who realistically was known for borchst belt comedy and slapstick physical

haven’t read the review because i haven’t watched it yet- but did anyone else get a kick that the next one down is basically begging people to watch an AV club show on something called ‘fusion’?

pro tip friends- spend that TV money on making your commenting system something nearly what it used to be and maybe you wont

The fact that giadaria already sounds like an STI is not helped by the fact that it’s common nickname is ‘beaver fever’

Spoiler discussion: Was it really a shocking twist? I think by the end of episode 2 i turned to my wife and said ‘it seems pretty obvious this is actually their version of hell, right?’ To which she readily agreed. They sold the heck out of it, but i wasnt very shocked by it

given half of the recent news stories we’ve heard about the secret service he probably got rid of them because they were terrible at covering up their own prostitute use and he was afraid they were going to blow it for him

Well, in peacetime it’s generally not acceptable to build an entire class of ships to transit cold waters and only find out they spontaneously break up when exposed to cold water after they’ve entered service

those things were made in china, i wouldn’t want to be anywhere near the smoke from them

what he should have done was make that subplot the entire movie and play the villain in it. guaranteed oscar

was it steve king the super asshole from flyover state or steve king the run of the mill republican jerk from NY? those are two very different people

i’ve never understood that argument- the humans on DS9 were incredibly idolized. they only appear to be a grittier and more pragmatic group because they’re being compared to the characters on all the other trek shows, who were morally perfect.

people bring up ‘pale moonlight’ like its this insane dark thing instead of

well, scott is busy with his own show, bateman seems to want to go more serious with *his* own show and peele is likewise banging away with *HIS* own show. one of the things i think we will continue to see with the continued dominance of both ‘peak tv’ and every company on the globe deciding it needs to be producing

you mean the organization that raised 500 million dollars to help haiti and then built 6 whole homes, while claiming they had helped more people than actually lived in the area they were operating in?

who’d of thunk it?

they will buy sports tickets, use them and also get expensive emergency plastic surgery to get away with murdering people! and some, i assume, are good people

wait, they have little ceasars in cities now? truly, will the wonders of big city living never cease?

i don’t think gentrification is the issue in rural communities