
why are you using a picture of paul giamatti in the header image?

I've used it for cooking in Korean dishes and finished a bottle once out of curiosity. It didn't really do much for either purpose. It simply doesn't have a lot of flavor to lend itself to either of those purposes

Sounds like someone needs a corn flakes enema, stat!

i would venture to say A. maybe taunting the literal dynamite monkey isn't the smartest idea ever and B. the guy would be far more damaged by people simply ignoring him.

as i understand it, they will be crossing over the with universal 'monsters' universe, so expect the dog to eventually fight dracula

the dog being sentient makes complete sense- this takes place in the era right after nuclear testing had taken place in the southwestern united states, causing radioactive fallout to spread across vast swathes of the country. it stands to reason that mutations would become relatively common, including dog sentience

i thought the two details- not ever directly addressing why there were almost no jewish prisoners and having african prisoners prominently featured- did a very effective job of saying 'yes, the holocaust continued exactly like the Nazi's always planned' without having to make it explicit. i thought the message was far

watership downs and the collected poetry of robert frost. watership because adams passed and frost because its winter and it always seems appropriate in fall and winter

i remember the wall falling, but didn't understand why it was a big deal at the time

you know, you don't see smash mouth on social media going all-in on the alt-right. i think we all owe them an apology

that guy looks like mac's dad

its a little creepy that they had this in the can and ready to go

maybe if the AV club writers spent a little less time aimlessly surfing twitter, they'd have more time to watch and review a few more shows?

i thought it was addressed that barry has started using all the money he gets from owning all of star labs patents?

i'm not sure how comfortable i am going straight to 'shunning' based on unsubstantiated allegations.

man, everyone goes to canada. go somewhere more interesting, like mexico or kansas!

Or perhaps you could get off Twitter altogether, since it is an absolute scourge on discourse, good taste and society as a whole? Twitter has had nothing but negative effects and should not be encouraged

maybe the broken part just explains he took all the kids out for ice cream and then brought them home and everyone was like 'aw, look at this guy! we should put a nice window up to celebrate him'

if you were ok with the implicit and explicit anti-feminist nature of this show before trump, i don't see why it would change now. you must have already made your internal bargains.

it turns out the slenderman actually stabbed the girl and the 2 kids are innocent!