
the only thing i can find is that 4chan uses it as a filter for certain gay slurs, and i found that on urban dictionary, so take that with a grain of salt. i sure as hell am not going to 4chan to check.

shaka, when the walls fell!

given the box office returns, he wouldn't have been asked to do another one anyway


it seems like it would be fair to have some sort of % of income. this seems especially true for an actor, since by its very nature acting is a piece work business- lucrative when you've got a job, but the fallow periods can be long and unpredictable

molina is spanish/italian and he plays a hispanic person in the movie, so i'm not sure that would really count as brown face?

i too was shocked in the 3rd act when i realized that i was supposed to be rooting for the filthy hobo

it was fairly effective as a deterrent to many of the less organized or sustained nomadic raiders and tribes.

well, i thought legacy was a disjointed and boring mess, so perhaps i'll like this based on the review

i heard an interview with the guys who made crank and they touched on his cameo- apparently, while he is professional and very nice, even coaxing his memory to the point of being able to do a handful of lines was a struggle.

The weird part is that frontier town is all still there. You can go poke around if you're willing to hike out to it

the issue they have with great escape is that it was originally built on the cheapest land then owner charlie wood could get for story town- which was swamp. Subsequently, swamps have been recognizes as a critical part of the adirondack park watershed, and you're no longer allowed to fill them in, leaving GE in a

i have actually seen a diving horse show (i believe one of the last of its kind.) Its weirdly not exciting- a horse just goes out and basically jumps into a pool of water and it makes a big splash. there is nothing else to it.

pretty sure he's supposed to be dustin diamond

the designer of this app and writer of this article have a very different definition then i do of what 'useful tool' means.

the problem with the libertarians is that once you get beyond some of their broad points (legal weed, less war) and start to get into the nuts and bolts of their party, they are terrifying (32% federal sales tax and no income tax, repeal all civil rights legislation, legal heroin for children, drivers licenses are

Yes, we should hate a guy who has a regular job because he was on a reality show years ago. Very classy AV club

apparently assumed that new york city is the only location in the state of NY, which suggests that he's just hitting places in the largest metro area only.

open range was 2003 and it was fantastic

eh, everyone seems to be wearing those canadian jackets these days, no matter what the temp is