
Mike Leach, folks! He’ll be here all week!

Hmmm... $20,000 for a rocket to go 1800 feet, or $300 for a short distance commercial flight with a window seat at 39,000 feet.

I am 1000% behind this plan. I wish more dumb people would launch themselves in home made rockets.

How about she can stand wherever she wants and Al Franken just doesn’t paw at her?

Arrested Development already has a strict “No Touching” policy.

It seems clear from her story that she wanted to avoid the kiss, and that he pushed her beyond what is normally expected and what she indicated she was comfortable with. I’m not an actor but I’m pretty sure tongue isn’t standard in onstage kisses. Also, it’s pretty common for dudes to write hot women into their scenes

You know what they say: Never let your recorded admission backed up by accounts from 12 different women get in the way of a hilarious Frankenstein burn. Because his last name is Franken plus he’s a Jew! So many layers.

Danica, Chris Hurst, Lee Carter, all ran some amazing campaigns. I’m so impressed with her, not just the brilliance of her campaign, but her poise and intelligence, and just general kindness. Couldn’t think of a better replacement for Bob the Bigot.

If Anna Merlan knew, I can guaran-fucking-tee you Sarah Silverman knew.

I don’t understand. That story was written as though there are Dunkin Donuts toilets that are not clogged.

No it is not ok, but ask yourself this question: If he was seriously doing that to her for gratification and not just “laughs” (juvenile as they are) would he have taken a picture of it with him smiling at the camera? It isn’t the kind of thing you want evidence of if you are guilty.

Yeah I haven’t decided what kind of retribution Franken deserves in my own mind yet, or if I even think he should resign, but I’ve got replies going off about justice and crime and punishment even though this isn’t a fucking legal issue. So I wouldn’t hold your breath about the conversation turning toward how we can

Real World Tip: if a law enforcement official ever calls you up and suggests that you should “just come by the station” so “we can talk about this” and “get it worked out” without a lawyer present,  politely decline.

Also, it’s not “his/her”. It’s “her”, because she’s a woman. Why is that so difficult?

Last year I tried streaming for a month, and I used a camera. The fact that I lasted a month tell you all you need to know about the kind of behavior on the part of my viewers. Everything I’ve experienced IRL or even just using voice chat in games utterly pales in comparison.

Holy shit.

“The same sluts that rejected us, the same sluts that chose the god damn cool kids over us.”

Who gets banned from a mall in Alabama in the 80's? It’s not like today where people are a little more paranoid and reactive. People were actually a bit more trusting. You’d have to go above and beyond if it had nothing to do with vandalism or shoplifting.

My profession requires that I attend town meetings. The kind of person who shows up for every single one of them voluntarily is far worse than radio callers.

It clearly was a con. I think the question is whether that’s actually even a problem with you (or me, or anyone).