
There’s got to be a lot of chefs getting nervous. Sexual harassment in the restaurant industry is rampant. The only question is which excuses we’ll hear: “It was different back then” or “It’s a tough work environment and you’ve got to be able to deal with the heat.”

And a frosty mug is an EXCELLENT hack for being able to immediately drink beer that hasn’t been refrigerated at the liquor store.

You yourself said the article DOES provide a new and different way to drink beer. I’m not sure what your actual grievance is. All I see is a thin excuse for you to brag about being a beer snob. As you yourself said, frosty mugs don’t hurt anyone one bit. Well, the flip side is, this article telling people to MAYBE TRY

Right. The conspiracies theories don’t depend on real, extraordinary facts. They are based on fuzzy opinions, distorted facts, and irrelevant details.

But if any of the conspiracies were true then which rogue president intent on releasing classified info would be next on the kill list, hm Donald???

Does anyone know if Trump voted for George W Bush?? I researched a bit and it seems he has contradicting statements about this (because of course he does.)I don’t see how anyone could support him when he’s such a blatant LIAR, willing to do or say anything to benefit his own opinion of himself.

Details? Aaahmareeeti to hear more.

Thank you for saying this. A lot of commenters don’t seem to understand that it’s not as simple as dividing parents or even particular situations into abusive and non-abusive. The removal of empathy becomes especially jarring when you consider that statistically CPS workers look one way and the families they serve

This story would make a great episode for a show about Chicago...

You’re going to have a hard time with this particular commenter, it seems. For some people, maybe most, there is a discrepancy between whether or not two or more things can be true at the same time and whether or not both things should be true. I hesitate to say this because I don’t want ysubasson to find this

My searing hot take: This attitude is what’s wrong with America.

Social media “maestro?” More like middle school marching band clarinet player who gets overheated during the parade and pukes on their own shoes.

I haven’t seen her. And I’m not a loyal viewer, I actually don’t really understand what happens on the show outside of really great singing. ButI think I’d notice Kelly Clarkson because I really love her voice.

The whole jury system is garbage when it comes to facts. Think about that, we have baked into our justice system that it is critically important for a bunch of random strangers to form opinions about guilt and innocence.

This one might just be a local chain, but to me the burgers are better at Culver’s.

I’m wondering DOJ involvement has anything to do with the murderer’s ethnicity. In that regard this might be right in Sessions’ lane.

When are we going to get someone who will actually stand up to him? Like, sure, politicians will capitulate to get what they want. But most people have a button or a trigger that you DO NOT PUSH. If Trump degraded or humiliated my family or made a soldier’s funeral about himself I don’t think you could stop me from

I think the scary thing is they actually believe the ideals they espouse. Like they legit want to make Atlas Shrugged a reality.

So, it’s wrong to take money from those countries, but being one of those countries is A-OK?

And Pence DOESN’T come out and say, “Whoa now, hanging gays is horrible and not at all something I would condone.” So, basically he’s ok with that account of events. Sickening.