
I agree. That last bit about him having nothing to be embarrassed about is particularly troublesome. Imagine if someone said that when a hacker posted photos of a woman’s naked body.

That’s a little ridiculous. Can you imagine how difficult it is to try as hard as Beyonce does to be cool and have it not come off as desperate? It’s just not realistic to ask celebrities to be cool and relatable and humble etc all at once while at the same time demanding that it looks effortless. Beyonce is maybe

I was in the same camp. Never understood word counts either. I had one professor that instructed us to use as few words as possible, but that was the exception. Wouldn’t not having word counts be the best way to make students prove they know the material? Or at least as a professor you will know much more quickly

I think you need to buy a new house.

Good ol’ Huber. Please note: way more alcohol than a standard lager. Simpler times indeed!

Let’s take this logic a step further: The national anthem doesn’t have shit to do with football. Stop playing it before games.

Plus, admitting you’re defending a flag that you believe tells certain people they aren’t welcome MIGHT not be the way to go...

I don’t remember it. Things got a little wild with poppers that year.

Texas is the state trying to make women purchase rape insurance. Own it.

The term “obsessed” is undergoing a similar transformation. We can now take that word to mean “temporarily distracted”. Or at least that’s what I’ve noticed anecdotally.

Parents who tell non-parents they “just don’t get it” is ironic to me. It shows how little understanding they themselves have of the fact that other people have their own shit going on.

We really need to move away from the idea that bacteria are inherently bad. Yes, our sponges are covered in bacteria. But so is everything, including our bodies! Most bacteria DOES NOT cause disease.

What really bothers me is knowing how many corner stores would’ve gotten shut down for selling alcohol, or selling the wrong kind of booze, or too much of it, or now you can’t sell to people using coins, etc. Always some kind of harassment.  And now they’re foaming at the mouth to let Whole Foods sell $12 pints

In this case it was perhaps a bit too much Purpose.

I’m not surprised. Being jaded, cynical, and angry at all the wrong people is unfortunately the norm in so many careers.

She has one of my favorite recipes of all time: chewed up saltines on top of a saltine. Scrumptious!

Not a civilian;) That’s kind of why I’m interested in all of this, because it’s pretty silly for 45 to act as though transgender people pose some sort of problem to the force. When any commander will tell you there are many, many more pressing problems that actually affect morale and a servicemember’s ability to

I’ve left group text messages that show up after I’m in bed, then been told that’s rude. I truly feel that’s the humane thing to do what what I really want to do is go on a rant about how SOME OF US WORK AND NEED TO GET SLEEP.

Do you honestly think that’s why it’s being prescribed? The studies around this are so meager. It doesn’t make sense

But they don’t need it to be a competent soldier. I’m not even saying the military shouldn’t pay for it, but I’m saying it’s definitely not necessary.