Notice also how how his definition of person doesn’t seem to include women at all.
Notice also how how his definition of person doesn’t seem to include women at all.
Politely, what happens when the other side feels the same way? “Abortion is murder, period!” How do we bridge that massive gap in understanding when both side have stated they won’t be changing their mind?
I have to agree. This sounds like the Tangerine Tumbleweed’s “If I don’t get exactly what I want I’m taking my ball and going home” mentality. Perhaps it might also be a lesson to reflect on the idea that abandoning anything that isn’t perfection is truly the least moral option.
It’s a festival for music that is only good if you’re on drugs. It’s pretty ridiculous to not have adequate medical personnel on hand for the inevitable overdoses and freakouts.
You know, the one plus side I’ve seen from all these shootings is I’v heard police express hesitance or just outright refusal to engage with some people. They mean it in a pouty way, but it’s ironically kind of what we want them to do anyway:Have consideration for who you interact with, including deciding that maybe…
The statute allows use of force to protect officers from “apparent death or great bodily harm.” The law needs to change, because as it is every police shooting will end with the officer stating they feared for their lives and getting acquitted. Actually it’s almost as if pulling the trigger against a civilian becomes…
Can you imagine if we didn’t know that Brett Favre’s dad had died? “Oh, guess he’s just playing incredible football and crying.”
And get Draymond called for a technical on the same play??
This is all spot on, and one thing is for sure, I sure as shit won’t be fixing a 2 day hangover with TEA. Gimme a diner stat.
Sounds like he empties the bottles before they even hit the cellar.
The ones who think it means “Shriek and swerve violently to the left”
To be honest I probably think about it too much. Last summer I had planned to make a wooden sign to put up next to the trail saying “Let people know when you’re passing”. I might need to rein it in a bit:)
It’s kinda funny how all the bike snobs sneer at hybrids but then go on an on about how great “cyclogross” bikes are. Aka hybrids.....
Rain: If you have a bike that can fit fenders I’d recommend that. A good rain jacket at least but maybe rain pants if you would like. I find my feet, legs, and back get the worst of it. I sometimes wear rain boots. Generally your thighs will get sooooaked. It’s a good idea to have an extra set of clothes probably.…
Also ask how tall the previous rider is and if it fit them well.
I got in a really bad accident this way, when an idiot tried to pass me in the middle of an intersection. Really messed us both up. I’m a fan of a bell myself, because it’s not at all ambiguous. I did not want to have a dorky bell on my handlebars but I end up using it all the damn time. I’ve also taken to chasing…
The more shootings happen, the more pissed off the public gets, which feeds in to the police officer’s “I’m scared doing my job” mentality that keeps their fingers very quick to pull the trigger. It’s maddening.
Just reading that name offends me.
What you got, stilljustachick? Let’s see it.