c fritze

Exactly. I don't think Aniston needs to defend herself this way.

really strange..sounds as if we still live in the 50s..if a woman wants to be a mom of anything - great! If not - so what? Seriously: So what?

Why are we as women obliged to mother anything?

Whoopi Goldberg ALWAYS takes the man's side in any story where his opponent(s) is female. Always. No exceptions.

SlutPanic usually doesn't pay attention to facts and expects the rest of the world to operate the way the blogosphere does- hyper reactive, instantaneous knee-jerking.

"You are a motherfucker aren't you?"

"You are a motherfucker aren't you?"

I don't exactly see how poking fun at the "thug life" of gangs should be offensive. Gangland behavior should be parodied. Lame ass suburban kids appropriating urban "culture" has been around since about forever. It's what made Marky Mark, Eminem, and Vanilla Ice millions of dollars and no one complained then. Pick a

Nothing wrong with a little Christian side hug.

I understand why they do it now (tradition) but what was the original reason that Peter Pan was cast as a woman 50-110 years ago?

Serious question tho: what is your favorite side/drink/dessert/whatever to bring over to a party?

I'm tired of looking at this pasty shlub on every website.

So this is what it's like to be scared stupid.

I don't support gun control, but it also wan't an accident. She either had her finger on the trigger during the accident or she tried to catch it when it fell during the accident. She was a moron who died from her own negligence.

Deadspin Commenter JustinJump Fully Breaks Down Watching T.Y. Hilton Nearly Breaking Down Talking About His Newborn Daughter

Right!? Its even dark in the darn daytime there!

Haha this really is Scooby Doo

It will be mediocre but everyone will love it because Beyonce.

our legacy

I'm actually looking forward to the divorce so Alec can go on talk-shows and moan and roll his eyes with the host over all of her ridiculous "posing".