
More like with or without Jimmy. I see it coming a mile away. But I think Chuck will lose out in the end too.

That's a great one. As a potential client I'd love it.

Good point. She played the part so well I forgot she was acting. I was completely immersed in the scene.

….I thought it was interesting and innocuous. But I don't really have a stake in it either way. Maybe *because* I don't have a stake in it. Whether it's a religious comparison, or a literary one, or whathaveyou, it doesn't bother me when people make comparisons to things they know about (unless they're overly

He almost had bingo. Almost.

What they said.

I think Chuck helped get Jimmy an honest (low-level) job at HHM when he was starting out, and that's where he met and befriended Kim who was also dreaming of climbing up the ladder (in an interview the actress said she "started out in the mail room"). It always seemed to me in the first ep(?) that Jimmy's familiarity

I wonder if there will be a time skip? Like there won't be a season per year leading up to BrBa.

Who says there couldn't still be a mustache? Hormones are a wonderful thing. And plenty of cis-gender women already include 'stache removal among their beauty routines. It's more common than you think, lol. Jus' sayin. ;D

I really dig Caramel Apple Empanada as a title. ;D