
I don't know which group is more despicable...Penn State apologists or 9/11 truthers. Oh, wait, that's easy - the group that thinks covering up child abuse for over a decade is ok.

Except the existence of an extended cut proves this to be false. You don't have to like it, but the reality is that customer feedback absolutely does shape a developers design process.

I find the idea that anyone would just sit back and accept whatever they received in exchange for their money, regardless of quality, to be deeply depressing. The idea that they should do so is even worse.

You can repeat it as often as you like, but your statement is still false. Being able to do something is not a prerequisite for being able to offer criticism of it.

This "you can't criticize something you can't make" argument is one of the dumber pro-ending stances. I assume you don't say anything when you buy a TV that doesn't work? When a website doesn't function? When your operating system crashes? When the next TMNT movie is garbage? To say you aren't allowed to judge

He was tired of running in circles around it everyday.