
But does it have a feed reader?

Notch should add this to minecraft!

@FuzzyCaveman: Oops, didn't know you already suggested it

"...Motorola's Xoom tablet is almost iPad-like"

I doubt you could do any "hardcore" PC gaming on an Atom-based PC.

@Webran61: The web store hasn't opened up yet, so your stuck with the few apps that come bundled with chrome, and if you search google, you can find a few custom made apps too.

Is chrome really "lighter", in terms of resources, than explorer? Because task manager says otherwise.

@kellanpan: Awesome, this is exactly what I was looking for. Now do you have any idea where i could find something similar for the system tray? :P

@Tastykent: 0... k... I'm sorry you don't find the way I setup my desktop efficient enough for you, but, for me, this is essential. And since you've spent so much time writing an argument that, to me, really doesn't make much sense, I guess i must return the favor and tell you why my desktop is the way it is, and why

Finally! My (somewhat) minimalistic desktop is complete!

This would be a lot more interesting with kinect.

I should read the article more carefully ;D

@Squiddles: The theme is called "lightness" and you can get it right here: []

-All the stock Software that comes with a Mint installation

@Type1: Or you could press F (while on the OS selection screen), it does the grouping for you.