
I’m tired of most of the super hero stuff. The structured rigidity of Marvel factory-style production means that most of their films aren’t very distinctive and sort of blur together. DC continues to stumble in the dark, and neither is producing many films that engage me emotionally.

I’m not aware of any serious model of autism which describes it as a degenerative disorder, so I’m not sure how “rate of damage” could be in any way meaningful.

Yes, it counts. People who play nothing but mobile games are also “avid gamers.” Just because he’s not posting videos of himself playing the Witcher 3 and horizon doesn’t make him any less of a gamer.

Who are you or anyone else to claim someone is a “real gamer” or not?

People who are legitimately mad about this need to remove the sticks from their asses.

Out of state residents are charged a total cost of $45,316 which is 57.2% higher than Alabama residents. The tuition charge is $26,950 while room and board is $13,050, books and supplies are $1,200 and other fees come in at $0.