McGrillus Flaxseed

Next: the Transit ST

I’ve had my people prepare and expertly crafted, limited run, star for you.

Mustang-y headlights look fine from this teaser. Here’s to the hopes of the masses for a decent off roader available at lower trim prices (25k).

Jesus Christ, i thought for a second that the header pic had the toothbrush sitting on a urinal.

Now playing

I guess this doesnt technically count as “pop culture” in the sense of the tv appearances, but his contribution to “Keep Talking” by Pink Floyd always stuck with me.

Wish they loaned wrenching skills and spare time, cause I’m running low on both

Wow. An entire article written about two fucking tweets between two fucking great artists who probably get along just fine.

Hootie! Hootie! Hootie!

I’m 5 for 5 in being pulled over for an actual crime (speeding, duh) and have never gotten out of it. Weirdly, every occurrence was in a vehicle you wouldn’t guess would attract cops (02 f150 twice, 12 Focus, 13 f150, 17 fusion) yet for the two mustangs i owned, i never once got caught. I guess cops dont really give a

I guess i am in the minority who think that BOTW was hot garbage. Did i enjoy it? Sure. Spent about 12 hours to beat/realize that the game is essentially the same set of tasks copied over and over. Climb a tower, beat a shrine, chop some trees. I spent more time dicking around than beating the “dungeon” bosses.

That is not is wife pictured, its all our wives. Because that is what this guy does. And we are ok with that. Because look at him

Damn i loved killing Malcom Latimer (and all those rich motherfuckers in the upper decks) in Fallout 4. Pretty sure i reloaded a save about 4 times just to kill them many many times over.

I’m more into the giggles than the shits, but pickers cant be choosers

Nope, at least not when she’s awake.

dammit here is your star shit

I’m ok with this. It’s weird, but loads better than that vehicular cancer we saw yesterday 

It won’t last long. Says so.

I was teetering on not liking it until i saw those blue wheels. Now i for sure do not like it.

Hello, father.

Looks ok, but personally, i don’t understand the fanfare treatment. Sure, it’s fast, but that body just doesnt get the fizz going for me