McGrillus Flaxseed

This may not be typical, but here in west texas, not uncommon to see 2016 & 2017 Outlanders with 10k miles going for 15k grand. Are they attractive? No, but if you’re looking for a bare bones way of hauling shit, and im including the car in that description of feline excrement, then that’s not a bad deal, especially

Good review, good little car. I could see James May in one of these.

He’s like a less likable Season 3-on version of Ryan from The Offfice (US)


Results aren’t typical i guess. I’ll saute some sliced avocado in butter and have with elk tenderloin, a la Joe Rogan style. When I’m feeling devilish, ill cut one in half and scoop out the seed, and a little on the non seeded side, and fill with cheese crumbles, topped with garlic, fresh garden basil, and a splash of

Will my grandmother like it? Jk, she’s dead

Not trying too hard. That’s why that Bentley will look great in 20 years, and any modern Lexus will not. And even downstream, this is true IMO. Nothing wrong with the new Focus, but i dont think it is pretty. However, the little VW Up? It’s pretty, not just for what it is, a cheap car, but for a car it is pretty.

I must have missed the original post, but i guess my story kinda counts. I lost my mom about 4 years ago, aged 55, gone too early etc. We sold her old explorer to some friends and i guess they sold it after that. I see another lady driving it about once a month. It really fugs with my head, but in a way, its nice to

One down, several hundred thousand to go

Stupid always finds a way. Here in Midland, about once a month some idiot with an oversize load will find a busy overpass and crash into it, shutting down the overpass for the next 6 months. Would it matter if he was in a semi semi autonomous semi? Nope.

this headline made me think it was an article about Mike Huckabee’s book tour

Foreword: certified crazy person here, have gone through 6 cars in 6 years, just out of wanting to experience different aspects of car ownership while i can (single, 26, and thankfully employed).

Interior looks nice for the age, but the black door trim makes the wood paneling look awful. Plus, 10k for a 10 year old Jeep with 100k miles? hard pass broh

Rust Never Sleeps, but in your case, rust is up having a rave.

Would i buy it for a knock around or project? Negative ghost rider. If my budget was 5k for a new daily? Absolutely. That engine bay looks NOICE

Solid looking season. Hope they do away with Brain Crash, as others have said, as well as Mike Skinner’s faulty persona. Dude can drive, let him do his thing

2 door version is where it, with it being sensible, is.

2013 F150 EcoBoost Lariet, 2wd. Thanksgiving day, headed to Ft Worth to eat with family. Torrential downpour, changed lanes on an overpass to avoid a car in the right lane that was halfway parked on the shoulder. Hydroplaned, had to decide to either correct in the median and risk going into the opposing interstate, or

Meh. Gonna have some odd headlight tones between the base lamps and those garbage grille cutout lights like you see on 6G mustangs.