breaking the law is not an annoyance. it is illegal and hazardous. that’s why it’s the law.
breaking the law is not an annoyance. it is illegal and hazardous. that’s why it’s the law.
I wouldn’t have fired her for being a passive aggressive asshole and a walking health hazard, I would have fired her for thinking this was something she could get away with, and that the risk would be worth it.
That’s an interesting jump; a Tesla 3 base to a car 2.5x+ it’s cost. Rock on.
Jag designers call it the “Tardis,” which I believe is a Star Trek reference.
Your legal department seems like they might be the biggest nerds on the planet.
I can’t hear you, let me turn down the volume
Not getting emotionally attached is how the Camry is the top selling car 15 years in a row.
It’s like scientists engineered the world’s most punchable face.
No, it wasn’t in Texas, it was in Austin. :)
What do the Cavs and your comment have in common?
If the driver gets into a collision it’d be a Tyrannosaurus wreck.
The saddest part is that he will be able to recall each of these moments perfectly for the rest of his life. Meanwhile J.R. Smith can’t remember the score for more than three seconds.
Yeah, but it’s pronounced “badass.”
Footprints in The Sand by Hollow Log
Would you prefer that they confused people even further with the title Least recalled among the vehicles sold in sufficient quantity for us to take a statistically relevant measurement?
If I travel anywhere and I see that sign, I’m going the fuck back home.
I think most of us are still making a similar wage to what we were in 2003
Did the math adjusted for consumer price index. $1.56/gallon in 2003 is about $2.13/gallon in 2018, which works out to about a $50/year fuel premium for today’s toughest, smartest, most capable F-150 ever.
He should have wrist-strained himself more.
That not very humerus.