
Knowing that it being a Ford, it’s related to the Mustang and that since this was the case they all already knew that they should try and Focus on what direction the car was going to crash in so they could Escape a possible Police Interceptor Escort to the Hospital and the possible need for a transFusion just because

::drifts into chrome dimension, everything is chrome now::

This just in: Criminals make poor decisions, often lack common sense.

Cars aren’t too expensive. People just want cars they can’t afford.

Didn’t need to watch the video (or even read the headline), if he regularly posts videos to YouTube, yet still holds his phone in portrait mode when shooting video, that tells me all I need to know about him.

Ice Road Alien Pawn Star Truckers, seven nights a week.

It’s Extruded Music Product now. Like the Play Doh fun factory: select the die to shape the extruded music product: booze, name-brand booze, pick up truck, out door life, southern “culture”, bad country rap, etc. Slap the die on the extruder, fill up the play-doh reservoir, push the lever, and voila! A new hit song.

I am surprised that people don’t use the park brake when PARKING a car. It was taught to me in drivers ed. Heck, I’ve religiously used the park brake even before I got a manual transmission car.

People complain about our overly safety-conscious culture, but the truth is, nobody ever practices basic safety in everyday

It would be one thing if these kind of dipshits were few and far between. But they aren’t. I’m sorry, but I consider young, uneducated assholes like them to be the most dangerous people in the country.

They assaulted a woman! Also, nearly killed a man or something unimportant.


Chris Evans is still a prat and the show would be better without him.

It sounds like he is surrounded by a bunch of asshole enablers who have always told him he can do no wrong. So shocking that he ended up as a remorseless rapist.

It’s a 996.

It is the emoji people use to signify a phallus.

Please. If he could shape-shift, that would mean that he’s chosen to look like he does.

“And even after just missing several pedestrians, this Mustang driver still won’t check his tire pressures!”

You’re kidding... right?

It’s like if I numbered everything in my cabinets 1-10. But I have more than 10 things in my cabinets. So I use an i designation for bread, coffee gets an M in front, Milk also gets an M in front because its milk, canned goods get a 35, but not if their base number is 2, and I have to throw out my cookies because