
@aThingOrTwo: You can run both Mac and Win on either machine, and linux too, why you don't even have to pay for them if your so inclined, and don't worry bout Apples Eula, id like to see them try and enforce it, I really would, Merry Xmas

@Akio Morita: you talkin bout the little guys in white sheets

I named my cat Genie Simmons cause the night she was born your dumb band played my city, that's all the acknowledgment I'll give your band

@anoteoftruth: Actually Canada had broad band 2 years before most of the states and we have very competitive pricing, particularily out east if your a rogers or bell customer tho your getting hosed.

@Jeremy Brown: Where u from buddy, in Nova Scotia we got unlimited 15Mbps service thru Eastlink, you sound like your stuck on Bell or Rogers to bad. As for netflix good luck, canadians love torrents.

@Unholy_Hero: Well from another ISP of course, all the big guys sell wholesale internet. I used to work for PSINet they at one time were big on wholesale lines to ISPs

Still active in Canada, just saying, this might help out our winter tourism season, lol

slow gadget day huh

@pleasenopuffin: That would be a 1970 verus 1980s comparison, i actually had a 8 track recorder and various cassette tech, but I started using my comp for music around 90-91 via usenet and never went back

Only 10 years people, the 21 century started in 2001, XP, ipods Iphones are not inventions they are end results of inventions, the mp3 codec ,but that was nineties, was one of the inventions that lead to the ipod iphone and all the other icrap.

@TechHaze: ipod was a nineties amalgam not an invention

@Charlie Jane Anders: Too bad The Star Trek Movie didnt make your cut, I personally felt as a one off movie that was the best of the old trek especially back in 79 when it hit theaters, sure some quibbled much like they did with the newest one, but it gave rise to ST2 which is a great movie, a classic duel, but ST1

@RigAudio: Ah no the reason people buy Macs is they bought the marketing fluff, if they actually knew what they were doing with a computer they would be equally productive with a PC and save some money. Really people Macs are only Guaranteed to cost you more money thats its, functionality, usability are user

These were shown in the Wim Wenders film Until the End of the World, in 1991, long time ago so they aren't new and the price has come down, still for a hand crafted piece of machinery its not a bad price. I still want one after 19 years and still haven't seen one in person.

@gonzorider: The wheels come down as you slow down

@Gordonium: for those of you 80s challenged kiddies that's the lead singer of Rush

I met Jobs in 93 at Nextstep, he is a dominating force in Tech that's for sure, its no secret I'm not an Apple fan but I am one of him, I don't agree with him fully that's for sure but damn he knows how to sell. I must say he is looking pretty thin, it'll be just a short matter of time now and he will be gone, but