And therein, my dear friend, lies the problem. You don’t know, but you feel qualified to act like you do. Have a great life.
And therein, my dear friend, lies the problem. You don’t know, but you feel qualified to act like you do. Have a great life.
OK, I will. A lawyer and a resident physician have no reason to be adding their anecdotes to a story on struggling just to get by. You can take that any way you want. I do NOT give half my paycheck to my friends, but I also don’t pile on their problems by relating my own when mine pale in comparison. This is you, in a…
I doubt you have many poor friends, and if you do, why are they poor if you are so obviously in a position to help them out? I call BS on your statements in prima facie
You win? What if you had diabetes? What if your 19 cents got you a rotten banana or tomato? This is an answer to... what? If you have kids, what did you do then? Just look at them while you ate?
I’m also absolutely sure conlawhero has all the loans associated with law/ med school are completely paid off without loans or windfalls from the proverbial rich family members.
Congrats. It’s also funny how you don’t see a problem with the fact that you work 130 hours a week with your wife and have to batch cook your food and have conditioned yourself to believe that’s in any way positive in the richest country in the world. You should be able to sit and watch TV or watch your young one goof…