
It’s still broken, we should be fucking stunlocked by broken straight swords, rats, throwing knives and blowdarts when wearing medium to heavy armor, this “different” working poise completely throws balance out the window and essentially has Straight Swords > Everything else. Fix your fucking game fromsoft,

Shout out to Wind Waker and Twilight Princess!

Undertale is similar to Earthbound, the creator of the game actually started off making Earthbound rom hacks, it’s fandom isn’t too friendly but that shouldn’t turn you off from this great game.

Hell I’d be happy if the visual novel that became Chrono Cross was made, I always felt Chrono Cross fucked up badly with having so many characters.

Pretty much yea, Akira Toriyama didn’t even have anything to do with GT partially why it was so shit. (Won’t lie though it still did have some cool moments).