@RicoTheSaboteur: Somewhere between a lot and too many.
@RicoTheSaboteur: Somewhere between a lot and too many.
This is so bad, it's good!
@SmilingPolitely: What you say!?
@sereal: I see your point.
I'm not a WoW player, but I don't think many WoW guilds members appreciate being compared to real gangs that cause real trouble in the real world.
Seriously nice. An amusing crossover.
To be certain: This trailer is freakin' awesome. I'd be happy to play when I get a better computer in 50 years.
tsk tsk
N B 4 Soviet Russia Jokes... Wait...
@(Starman) Cookie_Monster: Shouldn't it be "...hear me KWWWWWWWEEEEEEEIIIII"? #chocobo
Which will be the scapegoat: obsession over video games or alcohol abuse coupled with irresponsible parental action? #crime
Soul patch FTW! #hironobusakaguchi
Kano wa mou shindeiru!
X360: Sharper, but SLIGHTY too dark
Bayonetta's hot and she knows it!
Your lack of Minovsky particles disturbs me.