
That's pretty neat.

Anime / Because Real Girls Won't Dress Like This

Travis Touchdown APPROVED!

I'm putting my money on a new Tactics game. Yep.

Tetsuya "Tight-Lip" Nomura is ever the talker.

...over a PS2? Really? That's seriously sad.

lol compensation.

The King is Dead. Long Live the King!

Aeris dies!? NO! You spoiled it for me!

Yay for artz. Boo for Twitter.

My processor and video card are crap.

See? Gamers aren't all geeks and glasses. RIP Misawa.

Video game addiction? Total BS!

Yes! Wait, no... Um... Uh...

Well, f**k. I didn't f**king know it was such a g*dd**m big deal! It's just wholesome sailor talk, d**mmit!

How morbidly intuitive~

It's all 'cause o' dem vidya games, I tell ya!

I shall treasure this for future lulz.

Where the kung fu action punchable boulder for Chris?