The morality of it is obvious. Her statement undercuts the narrative that the opposition will spin about it being too expensive for tax payers when the current system and everything that came before it actually is.
The morality of it is obvious. Her statement undercuts the narrative that the opposition will spin about it being too expensive for tax payers when the current system and everything that came before it actually is.
In all my 34 years of gaming I have literally never had a save corrupt itself. Crying like a little bitch about this seems like a completely alien concept to me.
My grandfather used to ramble on about stuff like this when he turned 70. Mumbling about people that wronged him in the 1950's and sometimes he would get dressed wearing just a t-shirt and no underwear or pants. Yeah..we put him in a home a few months later.
You know what uranium is right? It’s this thing called nuclear weapons and other things, like lots of things are done with uranium including some bad things.
Small-dicked friendless piece of shit becomes antagonistic asshole to draw attention to himself and become “something.”
I’m not a hat person (because, big head) but this hat is gorge. The whole look is a 10.
Shows how dumb Trump is.
Fuck CNN
Supposedly Anna Wintour has been consulting her outfits for the campaign. I believe it. She’s made strong choices for every big event.
She now has Anna Wintour herself in her fashion corner, I hear... which explains why all of her suits are more fabulous than each other! I’ve never seen a blond woman look good in yellow or orange before, but she has rocked both, so she’s clearly got topnotch dressers.
her team has totally stepped up their game
She has been on point lately. I assume she’s got a good stylist, but whatever is happening, it works. She looks clean and elegant and sophisticated, and it’s nice to see the way a woman can look presidential without power suits. Her hair’s been great too.
This comment just warmed my heart. I think it’s because everyone’s been talking lately that it’s rather obvious an eight-year-old Hillary Rodham wrote in her diary “I’m going to be President someday!” and it’s adorable to see the giddiness in her, like she remembers that she’s been working on this moment for nearly 60…
Never thought I would miss Mitt Romney.
i honestly don’t get how a person with ZERO FOREIGN POLICY EXPERIENCE going against a woman who was SECRETARY OF STATE when Bin Laden was killed is going to benefit from this...but he will...
Some people are saying that the Trump campaign set off these bombs to distract us from the NAMBLA issue. Some of our best people are saying that.
Call me when she vomits on a Prime Minister.
I give up. You are so completely entrenched in your thinking you that instead of truly engaging in what I’ve said you keep defending yourself against points I haven’t even made. And your platitudes are just frustrating because as nice as you want to sound it all just amounts to you telling me I’m wrong and to fuck…
I find it really interesting that this author, whom is apparently a psychotherapist, thinks its ok to write such a heternormative peice, and then refuses to acknolwedge it at the same time as she quickly responds to all of the commenters singing her praises. For me, it would have been enough if she acknowledged she…