
Yes, but it would be impossible to prove that chauvinist went into the encounter with a premeditated plan for murder, or that his initial use of the non-standard chokehold was a direct attempt at murder.

My whole life I’ve wanted car companies to make their concept cars but they never do and I always wondered why. Well the comments show why, because people are full of crap. People say they want a futuristic car or something out of bladerunner. They say they want something unique but at the end of the day they buy a

The transmission has been upgraded though. It’s now held in with quick release latches. It makes it easier to replace it every 5000 miles.

that trunk area is ugly. 

Not one person said Volvo 240 with an LS/T56 swap.

I hate to be that guy, but what were these drivers doing before Uber and Lyft? Sure, some were cab drivers, but most were doing something else.

I believe you misspelled Years. 

Fandango has an exclusive poster from Rob Liefeld homaging the character’s first appearance in The New Mutants #98.

not vintage

My Subaru changes it’s own oil every month.

who remembers this eye?

Why are you promoting this trash? She’s a criminal - whose acts were explicitly harmful to our national security. The fact that in America she can even legally run for candidacy is absurd. And the fact that you’re promoting her? Add it to your trash pile of writing.

Personally, I doubt that Stan Lee is that sort of person

I’m willing to give both sides a chance. That said, it wouldn’t surprise me if this turned out to be true.

It’s not much better when you’re reading the desktop version and all of a sudden the paragraph you were reading scrolls up above the top of the browser window because the auto-play video that you scrolled past auto-hid when it was done playing......

Those look so bad. I mean it. They look terrible. I’m not using “bad” like the jerky kid from The Wizard used it.

Don’t car dealerships know we have the internet now? It is time to stop being shady bags of crap! I guess it is a Honda so maybe they are willing to trade the bad press online to get the Honda bros in the door to look at a car they can’t get financing for? Interesting strategy Cotton, let’s see how it works out for

Aw hell. I really enjoyed his work in “Burying the Ex” and “Odd Thomas”.